Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday March 8, 2015

Weekend Update: written on Sunday March 8 at 1700 Saturday March 7, 2015: Nancy and I had breakfast at Sundance. I walked and Nancy drove and we arrived at the same time. Temperature was in the mid 20s. Perfect for a spring morning. After a leisurely breakfast we headed to the Lighting Center for their annual 40% off sale. We got there at 0900 and the line was outside the door. We purchased two lamp shades for our bedroom. A great purchase and savings. On the way home we stopped at Meijer’s to get some grapes. As soon as we got home Nancy headed to the book sale at the library and I got in the C2 and ran an errand. I must be having a senior moment because I cannot remember the errand. I do remember taking Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. I think now that it has warmed up Ms P enjoys her walks. I also took a 2.35 miles walk. Watched part of the UM/Rutgers BB game. At 1730 we headed to Namey’s for dinner. Mary and Ed are great hosts. The food was great. The Moleski’s and Tim M were also in attendance. We celebrated Tim’s 71st birthday. The temperature was in the high 30s on our ride home. A beautiful full moon was visible in the western sky. Sunday: It was dark when we got up. I really wish DST would start about 2 weeks later. I like to have sunlight when I get up. The pool was really crowded this morning. Every lane was filled. I thought I would never complain about the pool being too warm. This morning it was uncomfortable swimming in the warm water. We stopped at Meijer’s for our weekly supplies. I think most folks forgot to move their clocks ahead this morning because Meijer’s was not crowded. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and then took my Sunday nap. It was sunny and 39 when Ms P and I took our walk. The sun is melting a lot of snow exposing some grass. Ms P stopped at every bare spot to sniff and leave her mark. I finished the afternoon activities with a 2.35 mile walk. I know the distance because I used my pedometer. Meatloaf sandwiches and soup for dinner tonight. We will watch network TV this evening. It is great to see melting snow.

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