Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday March 29, 2015

Sunday March 29, 2015 Weekend Update: Saturday March 28, Nancy and I got up at 0700 and headed to the Red Olive for breakfast. This was our first breakfast at this establishment. We rated it a C+. After breakfast we ran errands. First we stopped at Kohls so Nancy could make a return. She also bought a meat thermometer. Next stop was Sears to see if they had a glider for the deck. They did not. We also stopped at Target, no glider. Finally we stopped at Verhey to look at a sample of the wood flooring we are thinking might work. No decisions. At home I got my iPad and walked to Panera to read the WSJ. Panera was jammed with families just coming from a soccer or base ball game. They all looked cold. I took a mile detour on my walk home. I was cold from my walk so I took a quick nap then Ms P and I took a walk. The Moleski’s called this afternoon and said that Charlies Bar had a smelt dinner. We agreed to meet them at 1730. Speaking of smelt, I checked GGF Sanborn’s 1938 diary for this date and GGF said the smelt were running in Cranberry Creek. The smelt was good. When we got home we watched some of the UW game and also a movie on netflix. Sunday March 29: Up at 0700 and head to MVP for our swim. The pool was jammed, two folks in each lane. After the swim we headed to Meijer’s for our weekly supplies. The low gas price in GR is $2.34. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. We had the eggs on waffles. The weather folks said to expect rain early this afternoon. I took Ms P on an early walk. I read the funnies before taking a nap. When I got up it still was not raining so I took a quick walk around the block. At 1500 it started snowing. Yes snow. I am writing this blog and watching the MSU game. Time out while I watch the OT. Way to go MSU!! Izzo is a great coach and he is a Yooper. It is good to see two Big Ten schools in the Final Four. Nancy is fixing hots dogs and black beans for dinner tonight. We will finish reading the GRP. I don’t know if 60’ will be on because of the BB game. It might be a netflix evening. This date in 1938. GGF Sanborn in Ossineke, Mi wrote that it rained all day. The temperature stayed at 40 all day. Heavy flooding in southern MI. He estimated that he caught 100 smelt today.

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