Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday March 13, 2015

Friday the 13th, 2015: This is the second Friday the 13th this year. My morning routine today was the same as yesterday. Calisthenics, breakfast, walk to Panera, take Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk and finally a 12 mile bike ride. Every day this week we have had sunshine and temps rising to above 32 in the morning. Today it got as high as 55. Downright balmy. Kim came today and cleaned the house. She likes our new sofia. After my bike ride and shower I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I ran some errands. First stop was Pier One where Nancy bought a plant stand for the living room. We then stopped at Home Depot to look at flower boxes for our deck. We did not purchase anything but soon I want a swing for our deck. I also think a heater would be great and allows us to use our deck on cool days. It is now 1759 and Nancy called me to dinner. Stay tuned! For dinner we finished Wednesday night’s pizza and the shrimp and pasta. It was very tasty. Watched the news and at 2000 we will switch to netflix. It is now 1941 and the sun will set in five minutes. I just looked out at our back yard and about 30% of the snow cover is gone. Love the change of seasons.

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