Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday March 9, 2015

Monday morning and my body told me to get up at 0630. I complied and did the at home stuff. No swim today so I walked to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the morning papers. I think the only folks that USA might want to support in the Middle East are the Kurds. Why is it i-sis and not is-is? I don’t care about Hillary’s emails. I left Panera at 1030 and it was such a nice day, sunny and temps above 35 that as soon as I got home I took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. I then got my bike, Bad Boy, out inflated the tires and pedaled to Ada. Ada is 4.5 miles from the condo. It was a pleasant ride but I forgot how many hills there are between the condo and Ada. My original reason for pedaling to Ada was to make an appointment at the Ada Bike Shop to remove my steel studded winter tires. However, after the ride I decided I will leave the tires on for two more weeks. I worked up a sweat on the ride so the first thing I did when I got home was to take a shower. (second one of the day) St Vincent DePaul is coming tomorrow to take our old sofa. I shoveled a path from the garage to our kitchen slider. I think they will want to use the wide slider to remove the sofa. This morning I noted that our motion detection light was not working. I took the light apart and removed the halagen bulbs. I drove to Ace Hardware and bought two new bulbs. When I got home one of the bulbs fell apart when I removed it from the package. I drove back to Ace and they gave me a new one. I replaced the bulbs. I will not know if I solved the problem until it gets dark. It is now 1752 and the temperature is 45. Sunset tonight is at 1941. Tonight we will have a light dinner and watch netflix.

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