Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday March 6, 2015

Friday March 6, 2015 I am thinking of changing my schedule. I will not set an alarm but get up when my body wants to get up. By doing this I hope to eliminate the afternoon nap. Time will tell if I am successful. This morning my body got up at 0630. No MVP today, I did all the calisthenics and rowing, 3,000 meter, at home. I walked over to Panera. The temperature was in single digits this morning with a brisk wind, 12mph. I was going to walk to Starbucks which is about a mile further than Panera but I decided to do the smart thing and stopped at Panera. I use my Apple Pay at Panera. The WSJ had an article today on how bad guys have already figured out how to cheat using Apple Pay. The fix appears fairly simple. Credit card companies will have to strengthen their verification procedures. I enjoyed reading that a WI family owned furniture is not only surviving but thriving. Ashley makes 60% of their furniture in USA. Should we be worried that Iran has boots on the ground helping Iraq defeat ISIS? While at Panera I received a call from my sister, Helen. She was reading the March 4 blog. In this blog I wrote of how my mother got me a raise. She liked the fact that mother was so aggressive. It is alway good to hear from Helen. I took a long route home. My fitbit said I had walked 3.25 miles. At 1230 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed downtown to attend the Home and Garden Show. We spent about 3 hours walking around looking at the displays. We were looking for deck furniture and wood flooring. The Show had a good turnout. We both agreed it was a great way to spend a cold winter’s afternoon. Nancy fixed meat loaf sandwiches for dinner. Nancy also cleaned a cantaloupe. The cantaloupe was really sweet. We watched the network news but will switch to netflix at 2200.

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