Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday March 5, 2015

Thursday march 5, 2015 Temps in single digits this morning. Single digits are also forecast for tomorrow morning and then the warm up starts. No more single digits this winter. I had plenty of time before I can get in the pool at MVP, 1045. So after the at home stuff I walk to Panera. I have been using my Apple Pay at Panera. It works slick. So far Panera is the only place that I have found that uses Apple Pay. The pool was cool this morning as was the shower water. I dressed in record time. As soon as I got home we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. Paper products were on sale today so we bought a six months supply of TP and towels. I also bought a tub of Win Schuler’s soft cheese. I love this cheese. I was surprised at how crowded Costco was, especially with young folks. Gas was $2.46. After lunch I was still cold so I fired up the electric blanket and took a short nap. I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. Lately I have been hearing Robins but so far have not seen any. The days are getting longer. Sunset today is at 1909. Next week it will be an hour later. Tonight we are going to Shepard’s Grill for a salad burger. It looks like a netflix evening after Big Bang. Think Spring!

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