Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday March 11, 2015

March 11 at 1101: Easy Wednesday for Bob but not for Nancy. She has a full schedule, MVP, board meeting at the Gardens and then her normal work shift at the Gardens and finishes the day with Book Club. I get up at 0700 and walk to Sundance for an oatmeal breakfast. It was really foggy this morning. The temperature was right at 32 when I left. I was walking on what I thought was a clear sidewalk when I took a tumble. It was a gentle tumble and nothing broke but I will be sore tomorrow. I found nothing of interest in the WSJ. I walked out of Sundance into full sunshine. I thought it was warm but my phone said it was 28. My Apple 6+ would never lie? I took a walk around the block on my way home. I hear Robins but so far I have not seen one. The bare spots are getting larger every day. I will take a bike ride when the temp reaches 40 which should be within an hour. Right now I have several items to complete. I have to assemble tax information and order some clothes from Orvis. On this date in 1962 I wrote my mother a letter from Midway Island. I told her I have been very busy. I was in charge of the Transportation Division and on Saturday we got another badly needed shop. I had a pair of contacts lens that I purchased in Detroit in Jan 61 and lately I tried wearing them. I did not have much luck, they were uncomfortable. About once a week junior officers on the Island have to stand the “Officer of the Day” (OOD) duty. The OOD duty is for 24 hours. I had to sleep in the admin building. Duties of the OOD included raising and lowering flag ceremonies, checking to see if the food in the mess hall was up to navy standards, and serving as the Police Chief. The OOD made sure the various enlisted men’s drinking establishment were operating ok. We made sure they were closed on time. Every once in a while we had fights break out and we had to put the drunks in the brig. This week we celebrated the birth of the Navy construction battalions. The members of the battalions were called, CB’s or SeaBees. I marched in the parade and was also the float chairman. On April 1, 1962 I was getting a $50 a month raise, (from $222 to $275). I told Mom I was setting this money aside for a trip to Japan (never happened). The weather on Midway was great and I had a bad sunburn. My Dad has been sending me some engineering magazines and I asked that he continue. And that folks was the life of Ensign Scott, CEC, USNR in 1962. Stay tuned for more after the bike ride: It is now 2145: The temp was in the 40s when I headed out on my bike ride about noon. I ride from the condo to Thornapple River Drive and then north to Ada Village, west on Ada Drive to Spaulding, south on Spaulding to Burton and then Burton to 28th and home. I think it is about 12 miles. Perfect day for a bike ride, blue sky and sun. At 1730 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to the Moleski’s. I dropped Nancy off and drove the short distance to Fred’s for pizza with Ed and Tom. After pizza I picked Nancy up and we headed home. We watched the last episode of “Life”, season 1. I will read a chapter of US Grant’s book before turning in.

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