Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday March 30, 2015

Monday March 30, 2015 Monday morning and the start of a busy day. First thing Nancy headed to MVP and I did the at home stuff. I then bundled up and went on a 15 mile bike ride. The temperature was near 40 when I started and after several miles I realized that I was over dressed. I finished the ride at the Panera near our condo. I had worked up a sweat on the ride and after 30 minutes at Panera I was getting chilled. I headed home for a hot shower. After the shower Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. We needed wine, peanut butter, crackers, etc. We found an easy way to get to Costco from the condo. No street lights and we avoid 28th Street. Nancy’s Taurus is due for an oil change this week so after lunch I headed to Fox Ford. I had to wait about 90 minutes but I got a chance to read the WSJ. Next time I will have to get new tires. Ms P and I took a different route on our walk today. We walked in the common area around the condos. The lawn folks were out working today. They were performing Spring Cleanup and cutting the grass. The area looks good. Light dinner tonight. Not much on TV so I will be a netflix evening. We called Missy today. This week AJ is on spring break. Missy has joined a Boat Club. The Club has a pool so AJ is going swimming this afternoon. Joining the Club seems a good move. Missy is very busy and she has some very interesting projects. Speaking of spring break when I was a boy we got Good Friday and the following Monday off. That was spring break in Alpena.

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