Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday March 27, 2015

Friday March 27, 2015 Cold weather just does not want to let go. It was in the teens this morning with wind speeds near 20 mph. I have been having some shoulder pain so I am suspending swimming for awhile. I did some pull ups at home and then got on the bike and headed to Panera. Yemen still dominates the news. I do not know anyone who has ever been to Yemen. After finishing reading I got on the bike and headed to MVP. I pedaled into a strong headwind and got thoroughly chilled. At MVP I did most of my calisthenics and walked two miles on a treadmill. The place was jammed. I had a hard time finding space to put a mat for sit ups. Yes I do sit ups not sissy crunches. I had the wind at my back on the ride home but I still got cold. We have a keyless entry front door. Today the door told us the battery was low. I was worried that if I removed the batteries I would have to reprogram the passcode. I called EPS, our alarm company, and they told me not to worry. I changed the batteries and everything is ok. I was so cold I turned on the electric blanket and spent 30 minutes warming up. This morning at Panera I saw several neighbors who just got back from Florida. They said they should have stayed two more weeks. It was good to see Wisconsin win last night. I hope MSU wins tonight. They are playing on the east coast and the game starts at 2200. 2200, I will be in bed! The NCAA should put its foot down and tell the networks start the games at a reasonable hour. I guess money talks. Light dinner tonight and then some netflix. I am reading US Grant’s autobiography and it is good. US was not a man of letters but you can tell he was trying. I bet he did not have any ghost writers.

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