Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday March 16, 2015

The temperature last night remained at 45 all night. Today was the warmest day since mid-October 2014. The high temperature was 65. Nancy headed out first thing this morning for her Healthy Lifestyle class at MVP. I did the at home calisthenics and then for the first time in 15 months I went on a run. I ran 1.25 miles. I thought running would be painless since I am 20 pounds lighter. Not the case, from now on I will get my aerobics swimming, biking or rowing. After my shower I got on my bike and headed to Starbucks for coffee. After coffee I got back on the bike and took a 45 minute ride. I stopped at Meijer’s and bought bread. Meijer’s take Apple Pay. Nancy took Ms P to the beauty shop. I had a short lunch and then drove Nancy to pick her up. She got a short clip and the shop put a green Irish bow on her head. I spent most of the afternoon getting all our income tax info ready. I finished the afternoon taking Ms P on her walk. We had a light dinner and now, 1953, we are watching Jeopardy. It will be a netflix evening. We will watch House of Cards and then Blacklist.

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