Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday March 24, 2015

Tuesday March 24, 2015 In keeping with my new policy, my body said get up at 0700, so I got up. Nancy left at 0715 for MVP and a swim. After the at home stuff I pedaled to Panera. It was cold this morning, 20, but the weather folks said It will warm up and be sunny. They were right. It is now 1645 with bright blue sky and temperature at 39. We have had sun it seems like all month. It is suppose to rain tonight. We need it. The USA really messed up in Yemen. We really should not be in an area we do not understand. When China gets their Asian Bank in place the USA will be on the sidelines. At 0930 I got on the bike and headed to MVP. My shoulder has been bothering me so I only swam 12 laps. On my way home I stopped at Starbucks to finish ready the jWSJ. As soon as I got home I hooked Ms P up and took her on her daily walk. I was still cold from the swim and bike ride so I took a short nap under the electric blanket. Nancy and I have been voting absentee lately. I walked the request form over to the Cascade Twp Office. Round trip distance was 1.79 miles. As soon as I finish this blog I will take Ms P on a walk in the back yard (old golf course). Nancy fixed chili for dinner tonight. It looks good. Tonight we will watch the news, read the GRP, and watch NCIS followed by netflix. On this day in 1938 my GGF Sanborn in Ossineke wrote that he took my second cousin Glen to Alpena. GGF bought a license for his trailer and it cost him $2.00. The weather was 40 and he said the County roads were bad. The arrival of Spring in Michigan causes the gravel roads to breakup.

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