Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday March 23, 2015

Monday morning: In keeping with my program to get up when my body tells me to get up, I woke today at 0700. I tried to download the WSJ and found our internet was out. I headed downstairs and pulled plugs on our router and finally got us back on line. After calisthenics and breakfast I bundled up, put the iPhone and iPad in the backpack, and headed out for a nice bike ride. The temperature was in the mid 20s. I had on mittens but my hands soon got numb with cold. My face also numb. The wind speed, 17mph, did not help. I pedaled about 14 miles. I stopped at Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. I had a sweat shirt in the back pack and I put it on. I never really got warm at Panera. Ted Cruz does not have a chance. That is my prediction. I did not know until this morning that Denmark, Sweden and Norway do not use the Euro. China is using its muscle to create an Asian Monetary Fund to compete with the USA backed IMF. The UK, France, Germany and Australia are signing up leaving the USA out in the cold. Our influence in the world is not what it use to be. Is this bad? I don’t think so. When I got home I was still cold so I turned on the electric blanket and spent 30 minutes warming up. This afternoon, Karla, from Verhey Flooring stopped by and gave us a sales pitch on wood flooring for our Dining and Living room. I like wood floors but I have not made up my mind if we really need it. It is now 1607 and I have several things that I must do before dinner. I needed to renew my license plate and then take Ms P on a walk. Stay tuned. All things were completed. Light dinner tonight and then some netflix. Temperatures tonight will be in the teens. The cold weather does not want to go away. I did get my 30 in today. Did you?

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