Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday March 18, 2015

Rope Yarn Wednesday: Today was errands day: Up at 0556 and head to Breakfast Club, speaker today talked about attorney ethics. Small turnout most members must still be in Florida. Stopped at Wealthy Street Bakery for coffee and WSJ. Will the election in Israel change USA policy in the Middle East? Ed Namey’s brother died on Saturday. I stopped by funeral home to pay my respects. Next stop was Martha’s Vineyard to buy a bottle of wine. I need the wine because we are going to the Namey’s Saturday for dinner. On my way home I stopped at Lake Michigan Credit Union to get a 1099 form. I now have all needed info for IRS. At home I started moving the winter boots into storage and brought up my summer boots. It was such a nice day that I decided I don’t need snow tires on my bike. I loaded up the bike on the C2 and headed to Ada Bike Shop. I thought it would take several days for the tire change and a tune up. The shop was not busy. They said the bike would be ready in two hours. I return home, collect and take out the garbage and sweep out the garage. After lunch I return to the bike shop. My bad boy bike is ready for spring. Quick nap and then I take Ms P on her walk. i finished with a two mile walk. Nancy fixed the last of the rice and beans for dinner. It is now 2048 and we are watching the Mysteries of Laura. We will watch a netflix show before turning in.

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