Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday March 3, 2015

Tuesday March 3, 2015 Dry pavement and temps in the 20s when I went out this morning at 0615. When I left for Panera it was snowing hard. I had trouble getting up Tahoe Drive in front of the house. I left Panera at 0930 and we had already received about 4” of snow. Despite the weather MVP was crowded this morning. The pool was very cool. I took a long hot shower after the swim. I stopped at Meijer’s for gas on my way home. After lunch I started working in the office but I was so cold I fired up the electric blanket and took a nap. I think the pool lowers my core temperature. I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. I got my 30 minutes in but have not reached 10,000 steps on the fitbit. Nancy fixed meatloaf for dinner it was great. Tonight we will watch NCIS and maybe a netflix show. It is now 1943 and the outside temperature is 32. The temperature will drop to 16 by morning. 18 will be the high for Wednesday and Thursdays with lows in single digit. We then have a warm up. I predict that the snow will be gone by St Patrick’s Day. March 2, 1961 I wrote a letter to my Mom wishing her happy birthday, 54. I told her if the birthday present was not the right color just let me know and I would send a new one. Mom’s birthday was March 4 the old swearing in day for US President. I was working in Detroit. My first real job since graduating in Jan. I told Mom that March 2 was payday. I had a big check because of overtime. I was making $510 per month. I predicted that I would be debt free by the end of April. I was still waiting on word from the US Navy. I opened an account at Public Bank. I had settled into a routine. Sundays I would go to the library to catch up on periodicals. I did not have a TV but I did have a radio. I was going to buy a chin-up bar for the furnished apartment. I walked to work every day. It took me 35 minutes to get to the office in downtown Detroit. I fix my lunch and for dinner I usually have a TV dinner. Saturday night I go to a movie. My big problem was laundry. The laundries were not open when I walked to work and were closed when I walked home. My big goal if I did not go into the Navy was to buy a car. May was my target date. Life was simple in 1961.

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