Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday March 22, 2015

WEEK END UPDATE: Saturday March 21: Slept in until 0730 and then walked to Sundance for breakfast. Sundance was about 20% full when I arrived at 0815. When I left at 0945 it was 100% full with a long line waiting. Timing is everything. I read the WSJ thoroughly but I cannot think of anything that I thought was important enough to report. I took the long way home. At home I took Ms P on her walk. I ran some Saturday morning errands. First stop was Bed Bath etc. I am looking for a pant presser. When I Googled “pant presser” they recommended the one sold by Bed Bath. The Cascade store did not have any but the salesgirl looked on their web site and they had one for $100 more than what Google said. So I said no thanks. This morning I took some measurements of our deck. I want to buy a swing that will fit on the deck. I stopped at Lowe’s and found out that a 3 person swing will not work. A two person swing is a tight fit. However, a two person glider will fit. Lowe’s did not have a glider that I liked. I stopped at Home Depot and they did not have any gliders. I will keep looking. I have been checking decks in our condo unit to see how my neighbors outfit their decks. I think our deck is neat and I want to maximize our use of it. After lunch I took a short nap and then Ms P and I took a walk in our big back yard. She likes playing in the grass. At 1730 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to the Namey’s for dinner. Also at the dinner were Tom and Pat Dancy. Tom is a dentist. He was a graduate of Flint Central. I alway tell him how Alpena always beat FC. Mary and Ed are great hosts. We had a pleasant evening of eating, drinking wine and talking. We left at 2130. A great evening. Sunday March 22: Up at 0700 and got ready for our swim at MVP. The sun was just coming over the horizon when we left. GR is at the west end of the EDT zone. The sun rises 31 minutes earlier in NYC. We both got the lane we wanted. I swam 30 minutes and Nancy swam longer. Meijer’s was very crowded this morning. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and then took my mandatory Sunday nap. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. It was sunny with a blue sky but the temperature was only 30. It is now 1642 and as soon as I finish this blog I will take Ms P for a walk in the back yard. Our back yard is about 3500 feet long. It was good to see MSU win this afternoon. I hope UW also wins. Nancy is fixing soup and sandwiches for dinner. I think because of the BB games it will be a netflix evening. On this date in 1961, a Wednesday, I wrote to my mother. I was working in Detroit. I told Mom that I worked a 9 hour day and that after a TV dinner I was heading to bed (I did not have a TV). I told Mom that we were working six day weeks. I saw the movie Exodus last Saturday and thought it was not worth the $3 ticket. I was really in limbo. I was going to take an evening Spanish class in April. I worked in Vermont in the summer of 60 and I had just received my W2 form. I can now get my taxes done. The Navy had just written me and told me it would be another month before they let me know if I can go to OCS. I told Mom that if I did not hear by June I was going to enroll at Wayne State and take some Bus Ad classes. I enjoy reading these letters. I was glad Mother saved every letter I had written her.

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