Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday March 31, 2015

Raining when Ms P and I went out early this morning. Nancy left early to go swimming. I did the at home routine before biking to Panera. Rain had stopped. The pool was empty this morning. Because of shoulder pain only did breaststroke. Still looking for glider. We got in Taurus and drove to Menard's. They had glider but only in box. Asked if they would put the glider on display. They said no so we left. Stopped at Walmart but no glider. Quick lunch and then nap. Ms P and I took hour walk in backyard. She likes walking on grass. Erick R called this afternoon with an engineering question. Good to talk to Eric. He is a great engineer. Nancy fixed chicken and rice, with green beans for dinner. GRP, NCIS, and Netflix this evening. Early to bed because Breakfast Club early tomorrow.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday March 30, 2015

Monday March 30, 2015 Monday morning and the start of a busy day. First thing Nancy headed to MVP and I did the at home stuff. I then bundled up and went on a 15 mile bike ride. The temperature was near 40 when I started and after several miles I realized that I was over dressed. I finished the ride at the Panera near our condo. I had worked up a sweat on the ride and after 30 minutes at Panera I was getting chilled. I headed home for a hot shower. After the shower Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. We needed wine, peanut butter, crackers, etc. We found an easy way to get to Costco from the condo. No street lights and we avoid 28th Street. Nancy’s Taurus is due for an oil change this week so after lunch I headed to Fox Ford. I had to wait about 90 minutes but I got a chance to read the WSJ. Next time I will have to get new tires. Ms P and I took a different route on our walk today. We walked in the common area around the condos. The lawn folks were out working today. They were performing Spring Cleanup and cutting the grass. The area looks good. Light dinner tonight. Not much on TV so I will be a netflix evening. We called Missy today. This week AJ is on spring break. Missy has joined a Boat Club. The Club has a pool so AJ is going swimming this afternoon. Joining the Club seems a good move. Missy is very busy and she has some very interesting projects. Speaking of spring break when I was a boy we got Good Friday and the following Monday off. That was spring break in Alpena.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday March 29, 2015

Sunday March 29, 2015 Weekend Update: Saturday March 28, Nancy and I got up at 0700 and headed to the Red Olive for breakfast. This was our first breakfast at this establishment. We rated it a C+. After breakfast we ran errands. First we stopped at Kohls so Nancy could make a return. She also bought a meat thermometer. Next stop was Sears to see if they had a glider for the deck. They did not. We also stopped at Target, no glider. Finally we stopped at Verhey to look at a sample of the wood flooring we are thinking might work. No decisions. At home I got my iPad and walked to Panera to read the WSJ. Panera was jammed with families just coming from a soccer or base ball game. They all looked cold. I took a mile detour on my walk home. I was cold from my walk so I took a quick nap then Ms P and I took a walk. The Moleski’s called this afternoon and said that Charlies Bar had a smelt dinner. We agreed to meet them at 1730. Speaking of smelt, I checked GGF Sanborn’s 1938 diary for this date and GGF said the smelt were running in Cranberry Creek. The smelt was good. When we got home we watched some of the UW game and also a movie on netflix. Sunday March 29: Up at 0700 and head to MVP for our swim. The pool was jammed, two folks in each lane. After the swim we headed to Meijer’s for our weekly supplies. The low gas price in GR is $2.34. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. We had the eggs on waffles. The weather folks said to expect rain early this afternoon. I took Ms P on an early walk. I read the funnies before taking a nap. When I got up it still was not raining so I took a quick walk around the block. At 1500 it started snowing. Yes snow. I am writing this blog and watching the MSU game. Time out while I watch the OT. Way to go MSU!! Izzo is a great coach and he is a Yooper. It is good to see two Big Ten schools in the Final Four. Nancy is fixing hots dogs and black beans for dinner tonight. We will finish reading the GRP. I don’t know if 60’ will be on because of the BB game. It might be a netflix evening. This date in 1938. GGF Sanborn in Ossineke, Mi wrote that it rained all day. The temperature stayed at 40 all day. Heavy flooding in southern MI. He estimated that he caught 100 smelt today.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday March 27, 2015

Friday March 27, 2015 Cold weather just does not want to let go. It was in the teens this morning with wind speeds near 20 mph. I have been having some shoulder pain so I am suspending swimming for awhile. I did some pull ups at home and then got on the bike and headed to Panera. Yemen still dominates the news. I do not know anyone who has ever been to Yemen. After finishing reading I got on the bike and headed to MVP. I pedaled into a strong headwind and got thoroughly chilled. At MVP I did most of my calisthenics and walked two miles on a treadmill. The place was jammed. I had a hard time finding space to put a mat for sit ups. Yes I do sit ups not sissy crunches. I had the wind at my back on the ride home but I still got cold. We have a keyless entry front door. Today the door told us the battery was low. I was worried that if I removed the batteries I would have to reprogram the passcode. I called EPS, our alarm company, and they told me not to worry. I changed the batteries and everything is ok. I was so cold I turned on the electric blanket and spent 30 minutes warming up. This morning at Panera I saw several neighbors who just got back from Florida. They said they should have stayed two more weeks. It was good to see Wisconsin win last night. I hope MSU wins tonight. They are playing on the east coast and the game starts at 2200. 2200, I will be in bed! The NCAA should put its foot down and tell the networks start the games at a reasonable hour. I guess money talks. Light dinner tonight and then some netflix. I am reading US Grant’s autobiography and it is good. US was not a man of letters but you can tell he was trying. I bet he did not have any ghost writers.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday March 26, 2015

Thursday March 26, 2015 Today was a dark gloomy day. Temps were in the mid 30s all day. Nancy left early to go swimming at MVP. I did the at home calisthenics and then bundled up and got on the bike and went on my favorite bike route. From the condo to Panera Bread is 12.5 miles. Panera was really crowded today. The WSJ is more confused than I am of the situation in Yemen. Is the Middle East about to explode into all out war? After Panera I pedaled to Macatawa Bank to get some money for Kim. She is coming to clean tomorrow. We are trying to get our taxes done but Nancy still does not have info on her Mother’s trusts. Nancy has been in contact with her sister Peg and the attorney Ellen. Every year we face the same thing. Speaking of money I just got off the phone with Well Fargo Advisers. They recommend we sell a stock. I agreed. Nancy and I are going to Lowe’s soon to look for a glider. We will also stop at a pet shop to get a product that will stop Petunia from shedding. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. This date in 1961. It was Sunday March 26 (Palm Sunday) when I wrote my Mother. This week I got a tax refund of $80. I calculated that if I don’t go in the Navy I will have enough money by June 22 to buy a car. On June 26 I would have over $600 in the bank and be debt free. Last night I saw Cimarron a western starring Glen Ford. I thought it was terrible. I have been trying to contact my Dad’s uncle, John Scott. I was having trouble because there were over 20 John Scotts in the Detroit phone book. I asked Mom for an address or middle initial. My job as a civilian working for the Corps was very boring. I kind of unloaded on Mom about how terrible the job was. Every day I walked to downtown Detroit from my apartment on East Grand Blvd. I walked on Jefferson and it took 35 minutes. Today was Sunday so I was heading to the library to read some periodicals. 1658 Nancy and I just got back from running errands. We stopped at the Chow Hound and got Ms P a fur brush. Next we stopped at Lowe’s to look for a glider. They had none so we headed to Home Depot. They had a glider that fit our needs. However, it was part of a set and we did not want the full set. We both had the prime rib at Great Lakes. After dinner we stopped at Russo’s and bought 3 bottles of wine. It is now 2000 and we are starting to watch an episode of House of Cards. 19 the low tonight and 30 the high tomorrow. This will be the end of the cold weather. Think Spring!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday March 25, 2015

Wednesday March 25, 2015 Easy Wednesday: I take Ms P out at 0530 and then head back to bed. Nancy gets up before 0700 and heads to MVP. I stay in bed and get up at 0715. The rain started early this morning and it was still raining when I was getting ready to head to Sundance. I put on my raincoat and walked. I had an oatmeal breakfast. The WSJ is hung up on China forming an Asian Bank with all our allies as members but not the USA. Yemen is a confusing mess and finally I don’t think anyone cares if Greece leaves the EU. The rain had stopped when I left Sundance so I added a mile to my walk home. I have a pair of sports glasses that I use for outdoor activities. They have transition lenses. These lenses are not doing the job. I stopped by the eye doctor and ordered clear lenses. I also stopped at a Birkenstock store in Eastown. I am looking for a pair of walking sandals. I bought a pair at this store about five years ago. They did not have what I wanted. Bought a new pooper scooper at the Chow Hound in Breton Village. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. After lunch I took a quick nap and then Ms P on her walk. The afternoon was very dark and windy. Temperatures were in the mid 30s. After I dropped Ms P off I walked around the block. I remember as a boy I once asked my Mother “why has it been so windy lately”. It was in late March and Mom said we always have high winds near the Equinox. I don’t know if this true but I have alway remembered it. We had a light dinner and then watched the news. It is now 2000 and we are watching “The Mysteries of Laurie”.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday March 24, 2015

Tuesday March 24, 2015 In keeping with my new policy, my body said get up at 0700, so I got up. Nancy left at 0715 for MVP and a swim. After the at home stuff I pedaled to Panera. It was cold this morning, 20, but the weather folks said It will warm up and be sunny. They were right. It is now 1645 with bright blue sky and temperature at 39. We have had sun it seems like all month. It is suppose to rain tonight. We need it. The USA really messed up in Yemen. We really should not be in an area we do not understand. When China gets their Asian Bank in place the USA will be on the sidelines. At 0930 I got on the bike and headed to MVP. My shoulder has been bothering me so I only swam 12 laps. On my way home I stopped at Starbucks to finish ready the jWSJ. As soon as I got home I hooked Ms P up and took her on her daily walk. I was still cold from the swim and bike ride so I took a short nap under the electric blanket. Nancy and I have been voting absentee lately. I walked the request form over to the Cascade Twp Office. Round trip distance was 1.79 miles. As soon as I finish this blog I will take Ms P on a walk in the back yard (old golf course). Nancy fixed chili for dinner tonight. It looks good. Tonight we will watch the news, read the GRP, and watch NCIS followed by netflix. On this day in 1938 my GGF Sanborn in Ossineke wrote that he took my second cousin Glen to Alpena. GGF bought a license for his trailer and it cost him $2.00. The weather was 40 and he said the County roads were bad. The arrival of Spring in Michigan causes the gravel roads to breakup.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday March 23, 2015

Monday morning: In keeping with my program to get up when my body tells me to get up, I woke today at 0700. I tried to download the WSJ and found our internet was out. I headed downstairs and pulled plugs on our router and finally got us back on line. After calisthenics and breakfast I bundled up, put the iPhone and iPad in the backpack, and headed out for a nice bike ride. The temperature was in the mid 20s. I had on mittens but my hands soon got numb with cold. My face also numb. The wind speed, 17mph, did not help. I pedaled about 14 miles. I stopped at Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. I had a sweat shirt in the back pack and I put it on. I never really got warm at Panera. Ted Cruz does not have a chance. That is my prediction. I did not know until this morning that Denmark, Sweden and Norway do not use the Euro. China is using its muscle to create an Asian Monetary Fund to compete with the USA backed IMF. The UK, France, Germany and Australia are signing up leaving the USA out in the cold. Our influence in the world is not what it use to be. Is this bad? I don’t think so. When I got home I was still cold so I turned on the electric blanket and spent 30 minutes warming up. This afternoon, Karla, from Verhey Flooring stopped by and gave us a sales pitch on wood flooring for our Dining and Living room. I like wood floors but I have not made up my mind if we really need it. It is now 1607 and I have several things that I must do before dinner. I needed to renew my license plate and then take Ms P on a walk. Stay tuned. All things were completed. Light dinner tonight and then some netflix. Temperatures tonight will be in the teens. The cold weather does not want to go away. I did get my 30 in today. Did you?

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday March 22, 2015

WEEK END UPDATE: Saturday March 21: Slept in until 0730 and then walked to Sundance for breakfast. Sundance was about 20% full when I arrived at 0815. When I left at 0945 it was 100% full with a long line waiting. Timing is everything. I read the WSJ thoroughly but I cannot think of anything that I thought was important enough to report. I took the long way home. At home I took Ms P on her walk. I ran some Saturday morning errands. First stop was Bed Bath etc. I am looking for a pant presser. When I Googled “pant presser” they recommended the one sold by Bed Bath. The Cascade store did not have any but the salesgirl looked on their web site and they had one for $100 more than what Google said. So I said no thanks. This morning I took some measurements of our deck. I want to buy a swing that will fit on the deck. I stopped at Lowe’s and found out that a 3 person swing will not work. A two person swing is a tight fit. However, a two person glider will fit. Lowe’s did not have a glider that I liked. I stopped at Home Depot and they did not have any gliders. I will keep looking. I have been checking decks in our condo unit to see how my neighbors outfit their decks. I think our deck is neat and I want to maximize our use of it. After lunch I took a short nap and then Ms P and I took a walk in our big back yard. She likes playing in the grass. At 1730 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to the Namey’s for dinner. Also at the dinner were Tom and Pat Dancy. Tom is a dentist. He was a graduate of Flint Central. I alway tell him how Alpena always beat FC. Mary and Ed are great hosts. We had a pleasant evening of eating, drinking wine and talking. We left at 2130. A great evening. Sunday March 22: Up at 0700 and got ready for our swim at MVP. The sun was just coming over the horizon when we left. GR is at the west end of the EDT zone. The sun rises 31 minutes earlier in NYC. We both got the lane we wanted. I swam 30 minutes and Nancy swam longer. Meijer’s was very crowded this morning. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and then took my mandatory Sunday nap. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. It was sunny with a blue sky but the temperature was only 30. It is now 1642 and as soon as I finish this blog I will take Ms P for a walk in the back yard. Our back yard is about 3500 feet long. It was good to see MSU win this afternoon. I hope UW also wins. Nancy is fixing soup and sandwiches for dinner. I think because of the BB games it will be a netflix evening. On this date in 1961, a Wednesday, I wrote to my mother. I was working in Detroit. I told Mom that I worked a 9 hour day and that after a TV dinner I was heading to bed (I did not have a TV). I told Mom that we were working six day weeks. I saw the movie Exodus last Saturday and thought it was not worth the $3 ticket. I was really in limbo. I was going to take an evening Spanish class in April. I worked in Vermont in the summer of 60 and I had just received my W2 form. I can now get my taxes done. The Navy had just written me and told me it would be another month before they let me know if I can go to OCS. I told Mom that if I did not hear by June I was going to enroll at Wayne State and take some Bus Ad classes. I enjoy reading these letters. I was glad Mother saved every letter I had written her.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday March 20, 2015

March 20, 2015 This is the official first day of Spring. It was sunny and cool, 29, this morning. First thing I did after the calisthenics and breakfast was to get out the bike and go on a 12 miles ride. Great day for a ride. The snow is about 95% gone. I saw robins and turkeys on the ride today. My 12 mile ride ended at Panera. I got home about 1130. I was chilled from the ride so I took a hot shower. After the shower I took Ms P on her walk. Every week day I have the same lunch, yogurt, hard boiled egg, apple and cheese. It is a very tasty lunch. After lunch I did some cleanup work in the office and then took a short nap. It is now 1719 and I have spent the last hour trying to figure out a “secure password app” that I downloaded. I might have to get a new app. Nancy has a 1700 hair appointment so she trusted me to turn on the oven and put dinner in. It is a big responsibility. I think I did it right. I really am not interested in this year’s NCAA BB tourney. I would rather watch netflix. I am supporting UW and MSU. Nancy fixed baked chicken thighs, edame and sweet potatoes. It was great. Watched the evening news and then took Ms P on a walk in the back yard. I was looking for deer signs and checking out the decks of neighbors to see if any had propane heaters. Not one heater. Ms P enjoys being out on the grass. Our backyard is an old golf course fairway. We are now watching Midsomer Murders on netflix. The BBC shows are all 90 minutes. Next will watch a US show. US hour shows last about 40 minutes.

Thursday March 19, 2015

Thursday March 19, 2015: The day started cold 27 at 0700 but warmed up to 43. Not much sun today. First thing Nancy headed to MVP for a swim. On Thursdays I can take my time doing the calisthenics because I cannot get in the pool until 1045. After breakfast I biked over to Panera for coffee and the WSJ. I am surprised at the amount of media the election in Israel is creating. For all his faults Netanyahu is a good politician. I am also tired of all the hand wringing about when the Feds will raise interest rates. I was lucky this morning. I got the last empty lane in the pool. I swam my 30 minutes. As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her daily walk. Lunch and then Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to our CPA with all the tax data. After dropping off the tax stuff Nancy and I headed to Rivertown Crossing Mall. I bought a pair of canvas pants at Eddie Bauer. The pants have a pocket that fits the iPhone 6+. For dinner tonight we went to Panera. I had the black bean soup with half at tuna sandwich and Nancy had the chicken rice soup. We watched the evening news and then netflix before turning in.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday March 18, 2015

Rope Yarn Wednesday: Today was errands day: Up at 0556 and head to Breakfast Club, speaker today talked about attorney ethics. Small turnout most members must still be in Florida. Stopped at Wealthy Street Bakery for coffee and WSJ. Will the election in Israel change USA policy in the Middle East? Ed Namey’s brother died on Saturday. I stopped by funeral home to pay my respects. Next stop was Martha’s Vineyard to buy a bottle of wine. I need the wine because we are going to the Namey’s Saturday for dinner. On my way home I stopped at Lake Michigan Credit Union to get a 1099 form. I now have all needed info for IRS. At home I started moving the winter boots into storage and brought up my summer boots. It was such a nice day that I decided I don’t need snow tires on my bike. I loaded up the bike on the C2 and headed to Ada Bike Shop. I thought it would take several days for the tire change and a tune up. The shop was not busy. They said the bike would be ready in two hours. I return home, collect and take out the garbage and sweep out the garage. After lunch I return to the bike shop. My bad boy bike is ready for spring. Quick nap and then I take Ms P on her walk. i finished with a two mile walk. Nancy fixed the last of the rice and beans for dinner. It is now 2048 and we are watching the Mysteries of Laura. We will watch a netflix show before turning in.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday March 17, 2015

Happy St Patricks Day: Today would also be the the 159th birthday of my Great grandfather Sanborn. I can remember St Patrick’s Day 1956. It was a Saturday and a group of guys from AHS met at the home of Jerry Kendzorski. Jerry was the a great jock and also class president. We played some cards and hung out. Jerry’s mother provided us with green beer. This was the first time a parent had ever provided beer. She also fixed baloney sandwiches. The beer, baloney and bread were all green. Oh the things one remembers. The temperature all night was in the mid 30s. Nancy left early for a swim and I got on my bike and headed to Panera. I read the first section of the WSJ. At 0930 I got back on the bike and headed to MVP. This is the first time I have ridden to MVP since December. It was bright and sunny but very windy. The pool was empty today. The first time that I can remember. The pool was cold. I swam 30 minutes. Stopped at Starbucks on the way home to finish reading the WSJ. When I got home I got in the C2 and headed to Costco. I bought eggs, cheese, wine and cheerios. After a quick lunch I was still cold so I turned on the electric blanket and took a quick nap. Ms P and I took a quick walk. Tonight Nancy and I are attending a World Affairs Council session. The topic tonight is “Brazil: Always on the Edge of Greatness…will it get there. The speaker it the ex ambassador to Brazil. This is the first time Nancy and I have attended a WAC meeting. The program starts at 1800 and ends at 1915. In case we get home to late I am recording tonight’s NCIS show. We got to the lecture and guess what, the lecture was last night. Is this a senior moment? When we got home I had a bowl of cereal. We watched the new and NCIS. On netflix we watched Life. This is my new favorite show. It is now 2147 and I have to get up early for Breakfast Club. I hope I have the right date.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday March 16, 2015

The temperature last night remained at 45 all night. Today was the warmest day since mid-October 2014. The high temperature was 65. Nancy headed out first thing this morning for her Healthy Lifestyle class at MVP. I did the at home calisthenics and then for the first time in 15 months I went on a run. I ran 1.25 miles. I thought running would be painless since I am 20 pounds lighter. Not the case, from now on I will get my aerobics swimming, biking or rowing. After my shower I got on my bike and headed to Starbucks for coffee. After coffee I got back on the bike and took a 45 minute ride. I stopped at Meijer’s and bought bread. Meijer’s take Apple Pay. Nancy took Ms P to the beauty shop. I had a short lunch and then drove Nancy to pick her up. She got a short clip and the shop put a green Irish bow on her head. I spent most of the afternoon getting all our income tax info ready. I finished the afternoon taking Ms P on her walk. We had a light dinner and now, 1953, we are watching Jeopardy. It will be a netflix evening. We will watch House of Cards and then Blacklist.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday March 15, 2015

Weekend Update: Saturday March 14, 2015: Up at 0650 and walked over to Sundance for their oatmeal breakfast. An article in the WSJ said that today 31415 is “Super Pi” day. It will be another 100 years before we have another Pi day. So celebrate all you math buffs. After breakfast I took Ms P on her walk and then got in the C2 and ran errands. I stopped at the UPS store to see if they have any styrofoam beads for sell. They did. Nancy wants the beads to put in the bottom of a large flower pot to reduce the weight. Next I stopped at Fruitbasket Flowerland and bought a flower box holder that can fit over the top rail on our deck. At Lowes I was looking for a swing for our deck. Their selection was small. Finally I stopped at Gander Mountain and bought some boot shoe laces. After lunch I took a short nap and finally I ended my physical activity by taking a walk around the block. Nancy purchased a coupon for the Grattan Irish Pub. At 1700 we drove to Grattan and had dinner at the Pub. The pub was having an early St. Patrick’s Day celebration. The place was jammed. I had green beer and white fish. Nancy had their famous Grattan Bar Burger. At home we watch three shows on netflix, Murdock Mysteries, Life and Glade. We both read several chapters in our books before turning the lights out. In March 1956 I won a jeep in a raffle. I had number 13. One Spring morning the local radio station started running reports that a fighter jet out of Wurtsmith AFB in Oscoda had crashed in NW Alcona County. I knew the area because it was near the Doctor’s Hunting Club. My Dad was a member of the Doctor’s Club. I met a friend, Al Sharp, at school and said I would like to look for the site of the crash. Al always looking for an excuse to get out of school said he would go with me. We got in my jeep, stopped at my Dad’s office and I got some snow shoes and aerial photos of NW Alcona County. We drove on several two tracks before we found the site. The Air Force rescue team had just arrived. We snow shoed back to the crash site. The plane had created a large deep crater. The AF folks would not let us get too close to the wreck. It was a great adventure. Next day at school I had to meet with the Attendance Officer. I knew I would have get some form of punishment. However, when I told my story he told me it was a learning experience. Al and I got an excuse for the day. Sunday March 15, 2015: The Ides of March: Up at 0700 and we head to MVP for our swim. We both swam 20 laps, 1,000 meters. We stopped at Meijer’s for some supplies. It is nice to fill the car up for less that $30. Last year it was $50. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner. Read the funnies and then took my nap. After the nap I took Ms P on her walk. The warm weather had removed enough snow that we could walk on the grass. I dropped Ms P off and then walked around the walk. The temperature today got to 48 and will drop to 41 this evening. My St Patrick’s day prediction is looking good. We had a nice FaceTime talk with Debbie. She just got back from her Ireland and England tour last night. We also had a nice phone conversation with Alessandra and Veronica. It is now 1926 and we are watching 60 Minutes. The sun is still out.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday March 13, 2015

Friday the 13th, 2015: This is the second Friday the 13th this year. My morning routine today was the same as yesterday. Calisthenics, breakfast, walk to Panera, take Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk and finally a 12 mile bike ride. Every day this week we have had sunshine and temps rising to above 32 in the morning. Today it got as high as 55. Downright balmy. Kim came today and cleaned the house. She likes our new sofia. After my bike ride and shower I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I ran some errands. First stop was Pier One where Nancy bought a plant stand for the living room. We then stopped at Home Depot to look at flower boxes for our deck. We did not purchase anything but soon I want a swing for our deck. I also think a heater would be great and allows us to use our deck on cool days. It is now 1759 and Nancy called me to dinner. Stay tuned! For dinner we finished Wednesday night’s pizza and the shrimp and pasta. It was very tasty. Watched the news and at 2000 we will switch to netflix. It is now 1941 and the sun will set in five minutes. I just looked out at our back yard and about 30% of the snow cover is gone. Love the change of seasons.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015: It is 1648 and I am sitting on our new sofa writing this blog. The sofa was delivered this afternoon and it fits the living room just great. Today is another beautiful spring day, blue sky and temps in the 40s. We both got up before seven. Nancy left early to swim at MVP and I did the usual at home routine. I had planned on biking to Ada Village for coffee but it was still dark at 0750 and the temperature was slightly below 32 creating some icy patches. As I have said earlier the snow and ice will be gone by St Patrick’s Day. I walked over to Panera for my coffee. An interesting article in the WSJ about some successful tests using ultrasound to treat Alzheimer’s. Of course the tests were on mice but nonetheless it sounded promising. When you get my age you worry about diminished brain capacity. Is the strong dollar good or bad for the US economy and does it really impact the average person? I sure don’t know but I think now is the good time to visit Europe with the euro and dollars almost at parity. After coffee I walked home and changed into my bike riding outfit. I wore my Garmin GPS. I found out my preferred bike route is 12 miles long. A lot of bikers, runners and walkers were on the path. I even noted several brave souls wearing shorts. I think 38 degrees is too cold for shorts. I just getting ready to shower when the folks from the furniture store arrived with the sofa. It is a big, heavy piece of furniture but they moved it like it was a bottle of beer. I then showered, had a quick lunch and ran some errands. My first stop was the Lighting Center. A bulb burned out on our new lamp over the dining room table. The store replaced the light for free. Next I stopped at Russo’s and bought two bottles of red wine. I was able to pay using Apple Pay. Tonight Nancy and I are trying a new restaurant. It is called the Red Olive. We will watch Big Bang and then a netflix show. You know it is Spring when sunset is at 1945.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday March 11, 2015

March 11 at 1101: Easy Wednesday for Bob but not for Nancy. She has a full schedule, MVP, board meeting at the Gardens and then her normal work shift at the Gardens and finishes the day with Book Club. I get up at 0700 and walk to Sundance for an oatmeal breakfast. It was really foggy this morning. The temperature was right at 32 when I left. I was walking on what I thought was a clear sidewalk when I took a tumble. It was a gentle tumble and nothing broke but I will be sore tomorrow. I found nothing of interest in the WSJ. I walked out of Sundance into full sunshine. I thought it was warm but my phone said it was 28. My Apple 6+ would never lie? I took a walk around the block on my way home. I hear Robins but so far I have not seen one. The bare spots are getting larger every day. I will take a bike ride when the temp reaches 40 which should be within an hour. Right now I have several items to complete. I have to assemble tax information and order some clothes from Orvis. On this date in 1962 I wrote my mother a letter from Midway Island. I told her I have been very busy. I was in charge of the Transportation Division and on Saturday we got another badly needed shop. I had a pair of contacts lens that I purchased in Detroit in Jan 61 and lately I tried wearing them. I did not have much luck, they were uncomfortable. About once a week junior officers on the Island have to stand the “Officer of the Day” (OOD) duty. The OOD duty is for 24 hours. I had to sleep in the admin building. Duties of the OOD included raising and lowering flag ceremonies, checking to see if the food in the mess hall was up to navy standards, and serving as the Police Chief. The OOD made sure the various enlisted men’s drinking establishment were operating ok. We made sure they were closed on time. Every once in a while we had fights break out and we had to put the drunks in the brig. This week we celebrated the birth of the Navy construction battalions. The members of the battalions were called, CB’s or SeaBees. I marched in the parade and was also the float chairman. On April 1, 1962 I was getting a $50 a month raise, (from $222 to $275). I told Mom I was setting this money aside for a trip to Japan (never happened). The weather on Midway was great and I had a bad sunburn. My Dad has been sending me some engineering magazines and I asked that he continue. And that folks was the life of Ensign Scott, CEC, USNR in 1962. Stay tuned for more after the bike ride: It is now 2145: The temp was in the 40s when I headed out on my bike ride about noon. I ride from the condo to Thornapple River Drive and then north to Ada Village, west on Ada Drive to Spaulding, south on Spaulding to Burton and then Burton to 28th and home. I think it is about 12 miles. Perfect day for a bike ride, blue sky and sun. At 1730 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to the Moleski’s. I dropped Nancy off and drove the short distance to Fred’s for pizza with Ed and Tom. After pizza I picked Nancy up and we headed home. We watched the last episode of “Life”, season 1. I will read a chapter of US Grant’s book before turning in.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday March 10, 2015

For the first time in ages the temperature never got below 32 last night. This morning St Vincent DePaul stopped by and picked up our old sofia. I did my calisthenics and then waited for SVD to call. Nancy had a 0930 PT session. SVD called at 1015 and by 1030 the sofia was gone. I suited up and took a bike ride. My original plan was to stop in Ada and have coffee at Hud. However, Hud’s water was being shut off for repairs so they were closed. I got on the Bad Boy and headed to Panera. It has been awhile since I have been riding so I have to get the legs and butt in shape. I think my ride was about 12 miles. I drank my coffee and read the WSJ. Good article on how ISIS is having major internal problems. They might implode. I still can’t figure the EU’s financial problems or how they plan to solve them. Will Greece stay in the EU? Why should it matter? At Panera I met Don Gardner. Don is a local patent attorney and more important a hockey buff. At 75 he still plays several times a week. Don had two hockey playing sons at Central High. The youngest son, Tim, was Steve’s age. Don was instrumental in getting Belknap Ice Arena built for high school hockey. Like Bob and Nancy, Don’s three kids live in CA. It was a nice chat. After a quick lunch I headed to Woodlawn Mall. I stopped at the Apple Store and several other stores. I did not buy anything. When I got home I took Ms P on her walk. Today was dark and gloomy but the warm temps, 40s, are getting rid of a lot of snow. My St Pat’s day prediction is looking good. Nancy is fixing shrimp and pasta for dinner. It looks great. I will open a bottle of wine and we will celebrate the Spring. Tuesday we watch NCIS and read the GRP paper edition. We will finish the evening watching “Life” on netflix.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday March 9, 2015

Monday morning and my body told me to get up at 0630. I complied and did the at home stuff. No swim today so I walked to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the morning papers. I think the only folks that USA might want to support in the Middle East are the Kurds. Why is it i-sis and not is-is? I don’t care about Hillary’s emails. I left Panera at 1030 and it was such a nice day, sunny and temps above 35 that as soon as I got home I took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. I then got my bike, Bad Boy, out inflated the tires and pedaled to Ada. Ada is 4.5 miles from the condo. It was a pleasant ride but I forgot how many hills there are between the condo and Ada. My original reason for pedaling to Ada was to make an appointment at the Ada Bike Shop to remove my steel studded winter tires. However, after the ride I decided I will leave the tires on for two more weeks. I worked up a sweat on the ride so the first thing I did when I got home was to take a shower. (second one of the day) St Vincent DePaul is coming tomorrow to take our old sofa. I shoveled a path from the garage to our kitchen slider. I think they will want to use the wide slider to remove the sofa. This morning I noted that our motion detection light was not working. I took the light apart and removed the halagen bulbs. I drove to Ace Hardware and bought two new bulbs. When I got home one of the bulbs fell apart when I removed it from the package. I drove back to Ace and they gave me a new one. I replaced the bulbs. I will not know if I solved the problem until it gets dark. It is now 1752 and the temperature is 45. Sunset tonight is at 1941. Tonight we will have a light dinner and watch netflix.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday March 8, 2015

Weekend Update: written on Sunday March 8 at 1700 Saturday March 7, 2015: Nancy and I had breakfast at Sundance. I walked and Nancy drove and we arrived at the same time. Temperature was in the mid 20s. Perfect for a spring morning. After a leisurely breakfast we headed to the Lighting Center for their annual 40% off sale. We got there at 0900 and the line was outside the door. We purchased two lamp shades for our bedroom. A great purchase and savings. On the way home we stopped at Meijer’s to get some grapes. As soon as we got home Nancy headed to the book sale at the library and I got in the C2 and ran an errand. I must be having a senior moment because I cannot remember the errand. I do remember taking Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. I think now that it has warmed up Ms P enjoys her walks. I also took a 2.35 miles walk. Watched part of the UM/Rutgers BB game. At 1730 we headed to Namey’s for dinner. Mary and Ed are great hosts. The food was great. The Moleski’s and Tim M were also in attendance. We celebrated Tim’s 71st birthday. The temperature was in the high 30s on our ride home. A beautiful full moon was visible in the western sky. Sunday: It was dark when we got up. I really wish DST would start about 2 weeks later. I like to have sunlight when I get up. The pool was really crowded this morning. Every lane was filled. I thought I would never complain about the pool being too warm. This morning it was uncomfortable swimming in the warm water. We stopped at Meijer’s for our weekly supplies. I think most folks forgot to move their clocks ahead this morning because Meijer’s was not crowded. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and then took my Sunday nap. It was sunny and 39 when Ms P and I took our walk. The sun is melting a lot of snow exposing some grass. Ms P stopped at every bare spot to sniff and leave her mark. I finished the afternoon activities with a 2.35 mile walk. I know the distance because I used my pedometer. Meatloaf sandwiches and soup for dinner tonight. We will watch network TV this evening. It is great to see melting snow.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday March 6, 2015

Friday March 6, 2015 I am thinking of changing my schedule. I will not set an alarm but get up when my body wants to get up. By doing this I hope to eliminate the afternoon nap. Time will tell if I am successful. This morning my body got up at 0630. No MVP today, I did all the calisthenics and rowing, 3,000 meter, at home. I walked over to Panera. The temperature was in single digits this morning with a brisk wind, 12mph. I was going to walk to Starbucks which is about a mile further than Panera but I decided to do the smart thing and stopped at Panera. I use my Apple Pay at Panera. The WSJ had an article today on how bad guys have already figured out how to cheat using Apple Pay. The fix appears fairly simple. Credit card companies will have to strengthen their verification procedures. I enjoyed reading that a WI family owned furniture is not only surviving but thriving. Ashley makes 60% of their furniture in USA. Should we be worried that Iran has boots on the ground helping Iraq defeat ISIS? While at Panera I received a call from my sister, Helen. She was reading the March 4 blog. In this blog I wrote of how my mother got me a raise. She liked the fact that mother was so aggressive. It is alway good to hear from Helen. I took a long route home. My fitbit said I had walked 3.25 miles. At 1230 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed downtown to attend the Home and Garden Show. We spent about 3 hours walking around looking at the displays. We were looking for deck furniture and wood flooring. The Show had a good turnout. We both agreed it was a great way to spend a cold winter’s afternoon. Nancy fixed meat loaf sandwiches for dinner. Nancy also cleaned a cantaloupe. The cantaloupe was really sweet. We watched the network news but will switch to netflix at 2200.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday March 5, 2015

Thursday march 5, 2015 Temps in single digits this morning. Single digits are also forecast for tomorrow morning and then the warm up starts. No more single digits this winter. I had plenty of time before I can get in the pool at MVP, 1045. So after the at home stuff I walk to Panera. I have been using my Apple Pay at Panera. It works slick. So far Panera is the only place that I have found that uses Apple Pay. The pool was cool this morning as was the shower water. I dressed in record time. As soon as I got home we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. Paper products were on sale today so we bought a six months supply of TP and towels. I also bought a tub of Win Schuler’s soft cheese. I love this cheese. I was surprised at how crowded Costco was, especially with young folks. Gas was $2.46. After lunch I was still cold so I fired up the electric blanket and took a short nap. I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. Lately I have been hearing Robins but so far have not seen any. The days are getting longer. Sunset today is at 1909. Next week it will be an hour later. Tonight we are going to Shepard’s Grill for a salad burger. It looks like a netflix evening after Big Bang. Think Spring!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday March 4, 2015

Today is my Mother’s birthday. A few facts about Mom: Margaret Louise Hughes was born in Alpena, Michigan on March 4, 1907. Mom had three brothers, William, Roland, Fred and a sister, Helen. Her parents were Margaret Louise Hughes (McTavish) and Roland Hughes. Mom graduated from Alpena High School in 1924 and from the University of Michigan in 1928 where she majored in English and French. Her first teaching job was in the small St Joseph County Village of Constantine. She taught French and English. When the depression hit the US, Constantine could no longer pay her so she moved back to Alpena. She lived at home and taught in the Alpena School system. In 1936 she married my father, Robert Sanborn Scott in 1936. I have many fond memories of Mother. One time when I was working at Dad’s firm, Scott Engineering, I found out that a classmate of mine who was also working at the firm was making $0.75 and hour. I was making $0.50. In passing I told my Mother. She stormed out of the house and walked to the office and confronted my Dad. I was given an immediate raise to $0.75. Way to go Mom! I had breakfast club this morning. We had a small turnout, 28. Our Speaker was a fellow member of the BC. He talked about overcoming his drug addiction. It was very interesting. He has been clean for 27 years. After BC I stopped by my favorite wine and cheese store, Martha’s Vineyard. I bought a bottle of wine to take to the Namey’s on Saturday. I stopped at the Hall Street Bakery for coffee and to read the WSJ. Next I stopped at the GMC dealer to look over the new mid-size pickup. They did not have one in the showroom. The salesman was not interested in walking to the back lot to show me one. With this kind of service can GM make it. I stopped at Home Depot to price a propane heater for our deck. They were not expensive. I will have to talk Nancy into our need for one. Final stop was Dick’s Sporting Goods just to look over their spring stock. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. Before lunch I took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. I wanted to get her outside before the temperature starts dropping. Had a quick lunch and then took a nap. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. The wind was brisk, 17 mph, creating a wind chill of 3. The temperature tonight and tomorrow night will be in single digits and then it will start warming up. I predicted this morning at BC that the snow will be gone by St Patrick’ Day. Everyone thought I was crazy. Time will tell.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday March 3, 2015

Tuesday March 3, 2015 Dry pavement and temps in the 20s when I went out this morning at 0615. When I left for Panera it was snowing hard. I had trouble getting up Tahoe Drive in front of the house. I left Panera at 0930 and we had already received about 4” of snow. Despite the weather MVP was crowded this morning. The pool was very cool. I took a long hot shower after the swim. I stopped at Meijer’s for gas on my way home. After lunch I started working in the office but I was so cold I fired up the electric blanket and took a nap. I think the pool lowers my core temperature. I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. I got my 30 minutes in but have not reached 10,000 steps on the fitbit. Nancy fixed meatloaf for dinner it was great. Tonight we will watch NCIS and maybe a netflix show. It is now 1943 and the outside temperature is 32. The temperature will drop to 16 by morning. 18 will be the high for Wednesday and Thursdays with lows in single digit. We then have a warm up. I predict that the snow will be gone by St Patrick’s Day. March 2, 1961 I wrote a letter to my Mom wishing her happy birthday, 54. I told her if the birthday present was not the right color just let me know and I would send a new one. Mom’s birthday was March 4 the old swearing in day for US President. I was working in Detroit. My first real job since graduating in Jan. I told Mom that March 2 was payday. I had a big check because of overtime. I was making $510 per month. I predicted that I would be debt free by the end of April. I was still waiting on word from the US Navy. I opened an account at Public Bank. I had settled into a routine. Sundays I would go to the library to catch up on periodicals. I did not have a TV but I did have a radio. I was going to buy a chin-up bar for the furnished apartment. I walked to work every day. It took me 35 minutes to get to the office in downtown Detroit. I fix my lunch and for dinner I usually have a TV dinner. Saturday night I go to a movie. My big problem was laundry. The laundries were not open when I walked to work and were closed when I walked home. My big goal if I did not go into the Navy was to buy a car. May was my target date. Life was simple in 1961.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday March 2, 2015

First Monday in March: I was up at 0615 and did the at-home calisthenics and rowed 3,000 M. After a shower I bundled up and walked to Starbucks about 1.7 miles from home. I am sure the wind chill was in single digits. I don’t think Speaker Boehner was correct in bypassing the President when he invited Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak. However, the President should have given the Congress a heads up before doing his executive order on immigration. Play nice guys! We give weapons to what we think are the good guys in Syria and they disband and join the bad guys. Confused! Putin’s big opponent is killed within spitting distance of the Kremlin. Putin says the killing was the work of the CIA. I don’t think the CIA is bright enough to pull it off. I took the long route home. My fitbit went off just before I got home. The birds have finally found the feeder outside our ground floor slider. I refilled the feeder and also moved the salt block I placed for the deer closer to the slider. I now have a good view of the wildlife. The only item that has not been put back since the painting is the large mirror in the front foyer. It took several attempts but the mirror is in place and our main floor looks great. It will look even better when our new sofa arrives in about six weeks. After lunch I grabbed five ENR magazines and reclined on the old sofa and got caught up. No nap today. I took a walk in our snow covered back yard. The only tracks in the big backyard are animal tracks. I broke a trail through the snow. I walked up to the top of a hill and I saw two areas that had been cleared by a tracked dozer. The snow had been pushed aside and a large bare spot was visible. I followed the tracks to Parview Rd and stopped at several condos to ask what was happening. Nobody was home at three condos (snowbirds?). Finally an elderly lady answered at the fourth condo. She stood behind the locked door and when I asked her what was happening in her backyard she said she did not notice. I told her I just moved into the area and lived on Tahoe. She informed me that she has lived in the area 25 years and only knows her next door neighbor. I will call the Property Manager tomorrow and find out what is going on. I hope they are not grading an area for a new home. We will have a light dinner tonight and then because nothing is on the networks we will fire up netflix.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday March 1, 2015

We had a light dusting of snow last night and the temperature was 18 so I don’t think March came in like a lion. Most professional weather folks consider March 1 the first day of Spring. I sure hope so. The swimming pool was crowded this morning. Two people per lane which is not good because the lanes are narrow. We both got our 30 minutes in. Of course after the swim we headed to Meijer’s. Gas today was $2.57. I had to put 14 gallons in the Taurus. Normally we use 9 gallons per week. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I had my eggs on waffles. Very tasty! We watched several morning news shows and I read the funnies before taking my nap. The afternoon temp was 23 so I took Ms P on a short walk. I then took a 3 mile walk. During the winter I wear wool tees and long johns. I washed them this afternoon. It is now 1800 and Nancy is fixing dinner. I am sitting in the living room writing this blog and drinking a glass of wine. The ground floor is very cold so I prefer working upstairs if I don’t have time to get the downstairs electric heater fired up. It take about 30 minutes to bring the downstairs temp up to the rest of the house. We finished last night’s pizza and also had hot dogs. It is now 1900 and I will finish this blog and watch 60 Minutes. Think Spring!!

Saturday February 28, 2015

The last day of February and we have another day with the temperature below zero, -3. The cold weather is not so bad when we have blue skies and sunshine. The GR area has set a record for the coldest February on record. Nancy and I get in the Taurus and head to the Omelette Shop for breakfast. We got to the restaurant before 0800 so we did not have to wait. On Saturday mornings in GR if you get to a restaurant after 0800 you have to wait. Nancy had pancakes and I had the oatmeal. We both enjoyed the food. On the way home we stopped at Bed, Bath and Beyond to purchase some brass polish and for me an apple corer. My first chore was to replace a bulb in one of our outside garage lights. Nancy said she thought the Condo should replace the lights. I don’t think so. Anyway it is no big deal. Nancy and I did our semi-annual task of polishing the big brass table. It is a chore but worth it because the table looks so good. I walked over to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. I see our clowns in the US House extended the funding for Homeland Security for a week. I still don’t understand Net Neutrality or for that matter Greece, Ukraine or the Middle East. I took a 2.5 mile route home. It is now 1600. Nancy and I are going out for dinner. Site unknown: stay tuned. For dinner we drove to Ada Village and ate at Vitales. We split a 14” pizza. We started watching the new House of Cards on Netflix but it kept bombing out so we watched Life instead.