Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday October 1, 2014

Wednesday October 1, 2014 Breakfast Club Wednesday so I am up at 0600 and downtown by 0700. Today’s speaker was BC member. Dr Dean is a retired Navy doctor. I always thought he was a windbag but today he talked on the Ebola disease. It was really a good talk. After BC I had several errands to run. We had the hinges on a drawer under the stove fall off. My first stop was Rylee’s Hardware and they could not help me. Next I stopped at Starbuck for coffee and to put some more money on my iphone’s Starbuck app. Do you think in my lifetime I will be able to do all my shopping using just my phone? I stopped at Lowe’s to see if they had the hinge. No luck! During cold weather I like to wear Under Amour’s cold weather compression long sleeve tee. I have one and they really keep me warm. I bought another at MC. Home Depot did not have the hinge. My last stop was the Cascade Twp office to pick up some yard waste tags. When I got home Nancy told me that she saw two deer in our backyard. This is our first deer sighting. I took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. Today Nancy works at the Gardens. I drove her. On my way home I stopped at Modern Hardware looking for a hinge. I was directed to an old guy in a cluttered back room. I showed him the broken hinge. He spent about twenty minutes looking through catalogs and finally found the hinge I want. They are now on order. Lunch today was yogurt, an apple and cheese. After lunch I took a short nap. At 1600 I drove to the Gardens. Nancy’s shift ended at 1630. The Gardens is an Art Prize Venue. Nancy and I took a tour of the entries. We got home about 1730. I took a two mile walk. On my walk my fitbit went off telling me I had reached my goal of 10,000 steps. The morning was cloudy and cool. The sun came out this afternoon making for a great fall day. We had a light dinner. We will watch some TV and a netflix show before turning in.

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