Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday October 9, 2014

Thursday October 9, 2014 At home calisthenics at 80% Biked to Panera for coffee and a chance to read WSJ. Can’t get into pool until 1100 so I read most of the WSJ. Nothing important to report. The pool was jammed today. Every lane was taken. My weight continues to stay below 160. The colors are really great. Enjoyed the bike ride to MVP and back. After quick lunch I head downtown. First stop is Chics to get a photo of my dad and his siblings framed. The photo was taken in 1922. Kind of Hubbard Lake Gothic. I had an eye doctors appointment today. My eyes have not changed so no new prescriptions needed. Took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. Lately Ms P has not walked with a limp. I think the joint medicine is working. Nancy cooked me a pork chop, salad and beans for dinner. Today Nancy got a package from Harry and David. It was ice cream. Ice cream is something Nancy can eat with no pain. Debbie sent the package. Veronica called this evening. She wanted to tell Nancy how happy they were that the tumor was cancer free. Nothing on TV so it will be a netflix evening. I got my 30 minutes outside today, did you?

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