Saturday, October 4, 2014

Friday October 3, 2014

Friday October 3, 2014 Busy day today for Nancy and Bob. The alarm goes off at 0500. We have to be at St Mary’s hospital by 0600. We arrive on time. As soon as we arrive the staff starts getting Nancy prepped. The surgery is scheduled for 0730 and Nancy is wheeled into the operating room at exactly 0730. I head to the waiting room. Dr Sprik said the operation would take 3 hours. At 1030 Dr Sprik arrived in the waiting room and told me the operation went well. Nancy had a saliva gland on her right side removed. Nancy was pretty groggy when I visited her in the recovery room. Nancy has to overnight in the hospital. St Mary’s rooms are all single. Nancy’s room was nice. Nancy wanted to sleep so I left at 1300. Stopped at Wendy’s for chili. I had time to take Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. I arrived back at the hospital at 1700. It is hard to Nancy to talk so we watched TV. For dinner I stopped at Subway. Watched several netflix shows before turning in.

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