Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thursday October 23, 2014

Thursday October 23, 2014 Nancy goes swimming today and I do some mild calisthenics. I am feeling better but the leg is still swollen. AM: Got in Cobalt and ran errands. Dropped glasses off to get new lenses. Picked up shoes and new frame from Chic’s. I had a photo of my Dad and his siblings framed. It looks good. Stopped at CU and got some cash. Returned sink stainer to Modern Hardware. At Sprint ordered a new iphone 6 Plus. Finally had my morning coffee at Panera. PM: Took Taurus to Dr Kutsche’s office. I had a 1510 appointment and Nancy was getting a flu shot. We did not leave until 1700. The Doctor made no recommendation as to my leg treatment. Keep doing what the skin doctor said. I paid for this advice? Ms P had an appointment at 1800 so we stopped at Rylee’s to kill some time. The Vet determined that Ms P had back problems. We were given two prescriptions to adminster. We got home at 1900. We had a light dinner. Read the GRP. Watched Hinterland on netflix.

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