Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday October 26, 2014

Sunday October 26, 2014 Up at 0700, no MVP today because we are going shopping at IKEA, Trader Joe’s and the Tangers discount mall. The first two stores are near Detroit and Tanger’s is located just west of Howell. First stop was IKEA. We made several small purchases. At Trader Joe’s we replenished our two buck Chuck wine supply. Also bought boxes of soup, cookies and crackers. Why can’t they build a TJ in GR. I went crazy at the discount mall. I purchased items from Bass, Under Armor, Jockey and Ralph Lauren. Nancy just bought a pair of shoes at Bass. Got home at 1800. Ms P weathered the trip well. Nancy and I each had a bowl of Wendy’s chili for dinner. Watched some TV and read the GRP before turning in.

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