Saturday, October 18, 2014

Friday October 17, 2014

Friday October 17, 2014 Another gloomy but busy day in West MI. Completed at home routine and then pedalei to Panera. Pedaled into a heavy wind on way to MVP. Shoulder is still acting up so I swam only breast stroke. Seems to work. At home we all get in Taurus to run errands. Stop at Art Van to look at sofas. We need a single piece that is over 90” long. Did not find what we wanted. Checked out sofa stock at Talsma’s. Several pieces looked ok. Nancy is still pondering. Nancy returned an item at Kohl’s. While she is at Kohl’s I stopped at Apple store to look at the iphone 6+. I want to know if the phone is too wide for special pocket in pants and vest. The phone fits. I really like the wider screen. Last stop is Costco. Nancy buys a cheese tray for Sunday dinner at the Moleski’s. After quick lunch I took a 90 minute bike ride. The leaves are falling fast. In several areas I cannot see the bike path for the leaves. Short nap and then at 1730 head to Romano’s Macaroni Grill. We met the Horlings for dinner. We had a great meal and conversation with our friends. Got home at 2030 and watched netflix, Inspector Morse.

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