Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday October 8, 2014

Wednesday October 8, 2014 Wednesday my truly easy day. It is cool, mid 40s, but sunny. Had an egg/ham/cheese breakfast sandwich at Panera. Read WSJ. Nobody listens to me. We should be out of the Middle East. Stocks fall because Germany sneezed. Go figure. Elections are coming but most of country is turned off by politics. The negative ads are terrible. Didn’t any politician ever go to Sunday School. I think Asian carp in the Great Lakes would be a serious problem. After coffee I took a 90 minute bike ride. Stopped at Ada Bike Shop and ordered larger tires. Nancy’s friend Kathi stopped by and left some soup for Nancy. A nice gesture. After shower Nancy and I ran some errands. Stopped at Walgreens and Health food store for some lotions. We also stopped at fire place store to see if they are working on making the ground floor fire place able to generate some heat. They promised an estimate soon. We are looking for a floor lamp for den. Stopped at Klingman’s to see if they had any. They did not. REALLY, REALLY GOOD NEWS. Nancy’s tumor was cancer free. Nancy got flowers from Scott Team in LB. Drove the C2 to Ada Bike store to pick up bike. I think I will like the larger tires. I took a nap. I had cereal for dinner and Nancy had some of Kathi’s soup. After dinner took Ms P on walk. Tonight will be a netflix night. Neil and Kay Molinaar lived next door to us on Mackinaw. They moved to WA state many years ago. They are visiting GR this week. We are going out to dinner on Friday.

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