Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday October 13, 2014

Monday October 13, 2014 Normal Monday: Calisthenics, breakfast and a 90 minute bike ride. After ride drove to bank, Township office to buy mail box number and finally to Panera to read WSJ and drink coffee. I am surprised at the lunch business Panera does. Quick lunch and then I replaced two bulbs in outside lights. Took picture of my old bike so I can sell it on Craig’s List. Hung up my single speed bike and cleaned the garage. The previous owners left a flag pole that we don’t want. I found a hack saw and cut the pole up and put in trash. We have had a light drizzle all day. The weather folks say we will have rain most of the week. I took a short nap. Nancy made a special dinner tonight. She cooked me a salmon filet, an acorn squash, and salad. It was great. It is now 2021 and we are watching Big Bang. Next we will Blacklist on Netflix.

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