Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday October 27, 2014

Monday October 27, 2014 DST cannot end soon enough. Sunrise today was at 0810. I do not like to pedal my bike in the dark. Nancy headed out a little after 0700 for a MVP class. I did my calisthenics at 66%. My leg is looking much better. I have two more days of antibody pills. Ms P is also near the end of her required pills. She also is getting better. The legal system moves slow. We have just received a legal document regarding adding the condo to our trust. We purchased the condo in July. Anyway the document must be signed in front of a notary. I stopped by our bank and asked if they could perform this service. They can but only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I forgot to notify Amazon of my change of address so they sent an order to the Mackinaw address. I stopped by and picked it up. I also stopped at the Chow Hound to buy more dry food for Ms P. I ended the morning at Panera for coffee and the WSJ. I arrived back home at 1230. Today was a perfect fall day. The temperature was in the low 70s. Tonight the temperature will drop to the low 40s. Normal temperatures are: high 56, low 38. A lot of trees have lost all their leaves. I took Ms P on a short walk. I also took an easy 50 minute bike ride through the neighborhood. I rode on every street in the three condo associations that make up our neighborhood. The condo units were all built on an old golf course. Most of the golf course remains as green space but one very large apartment complex is being built on an old fairway. The neighbors living near the apartments are really mad. I hear a lot of complaining at Panera. I got an email from Esquire magazine today asking me to convert my print edition to digital. The same thing happened with US News. Is there even a US News today? I asked our neighbor how much candy we should get for Halloween. She said in 21 years she had not had anyone stop by her house. Last year on Mackinaw Nancy said we had over 300 kids. My drooping right eye is starting to droop again. During my first episode, September 15, with the leg infection I was given five days of steroid pills,. A side effect of the steroids was that my eye popped open and has remain so until yesterday, over six weeks. I continued to take a low dose of mestinon for the eye. I will increase the dosage tomorrow.

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