Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday October 18, 2014

Saturday October 18, 2014 Another day with no sun. It was cold and windy today with spotty rain. We went out for breakfast. We tried a new place called Manna Cafe. It is on Forest Hill Avenue. The food was good. We gave it a B. After breakfast drove to Modern Hardware on Kalamazoo. We purchased a sink strainer and an electric drill. Next we drove through the old neighborhood on way to CVS. 1555 Mackinaw looks the same. We got home about 1200. It looked like the rain had passed through so I bundled up and took a 90 minute bike ride. Today I decided to pedal my standard 90’ ride in the opposite direction. It was actually an easier ride. On several hills with heavy leaf cover I had difficulty getting up the hill. My wheels would spin in the wet leaves. When I got home I took Ms P out in the back yard which was part of the old golf course. We walked through the abandoned fairways. Despite the ground being wet I think Ms P likes running in open fields. I ended the afternoon with a nap. It is now 1740 and as soon as I finish this blog I am driving over to Wendy’s for a bowl of chili. I will bring it home. Nancy still has difficulty chewing. She had a bowl of soup and a bowl of ice cream. I watched the end of the MSU game. It will be a netflix evening. I got my 30’ in today. Heavy frost is expected tonight.

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