Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday October 15, 2014

Wednesday October 15, 2014 Breakfast Club Wednesday. Up at 0600 and had to hustle to make the 0700 BC start. 70 mph on I 196 helped. Good talk today on mental health problems in community. Stopped at Modern Hardware to pick up hinges for kitchen drawer. Also bought a new key for the Cobalt. Needed new key because the old key was recalled. Will GM ever get it right? Nancy is feeling better and tomorrow the stitches come out. We took Ms P to the dog groomer. The Groomer is located next to Horricks so we stopped in and bought a bird feeder and seed. Took a two mile walk before lunch. Continue to clean garage. At 1400 we headed back to the Groomer. Ms P was not ready so we end up at Lowes. Need a cover for our deck table. Lowes had a cover but I thought it was too small. Must go home and measure. Picked up Ms P. Headed back to Lowes and bought the last table cover. Finished the afternoon with another two mile walk. Nancy fixed acorn squash, turkey sandwich, and cauliflower soup for dinner. It was great. I spent over an hour putting hinges on the kitchen drawer. I have no mechanical skills. We watched Mysteries of Laura and then the Blacklist on netflix. We are near peak fall colors.

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