Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday October 25, 2014

Saturday October 25, 2014 Nancy and I ate breakfast at Sundance. The parking lot looked full but plenty of tables were open. After breakfast we stopped at Meijer’s so I could buy a lottery ticket. We also filled up. Gas was $3.17. I walked to Panera for coffee and to read WSJ. The news was dominated by Ebola and the Kurds. I continue to think we should get completely out of the Middle East. Too many bad guys and I don’t think we want to help the best of the worst. On my way home I walked to the Crown Plaza Hotel to see if they had a restaurant. They do. Had lunch and then took a short nap. The UM/MSU game started at 1530. I watched most of the game. UM was totally outclassed. I remember as a boy UM/MSU games. My mother was a great UM fan. My dad MSU. On several game days I would go partridge hunting with dad at his hunting camp. We would have a picnic lunch and then head home to listen to the game on radio. That is right on the radio. No TV in Alpena. Ms P has been under the weather with her bad back. Today she seemed much better so I took her on a short walk. Nancy fixed me hamburgers for dinner. It is now 1920 and we are sitting in the den watching the news. We will watch Elementary and then maybe a netflix show. Today was a beautiful fall day. Sunshine and clear skies. Heavy winds today are blowing the leaves off the trees.

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