Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday October 21, 2014

Sunday Normal Sunday, swimming at MVP, shopping at Meijer's, and a breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs. Took an afternoon nap and then at 1530 we drove to the Moleski's for dinner. A total of seven folks were there. About 2000 I became very chilled. On our way home my teeth were chattering so loud that Nancy could hear it. I bundled up and turned the electric blanket on high. Monday: It was 0400 before I warmed up. When I got up I saw the cause of my problem. My right leg was swollen and very red. Called the skin doctor, Dr Yurko, and as luck would have it I saw the Doctor that morning. The leg looked the same as an earlier breakout on September 12. Dr Yurko thinks I have an infection but she cannot identify the source. She give me some prescriptions and I am to see her on Wednesday. Nancy, bless her soul, has been waiting on me these past several days. We watched Big Bang and then a netflix. Tuesday: Nancy was up at 0700 so she could go swimming. I spent the entire day at home. I got a lot of reading done. Nancy and her friend Kathi went to a movie this afternoon. I was checking on my computer this afternoon and saw that I was paying twice for the WSJ. When I enlarged the bill I saw a phone number. I called and got a refund. Today we get a paper edition of the GRP. We will read the GRP and watch NCIS before turning in. I think I know the source of my infection.

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