Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday September 18, 2013

Today I had Breakfast Club. It was pitch black when I left this morning. The temperature was in the 50s. We had an egg dish and potatoes but the highlight was the home made scones. I took 2 for breakfast and stole one on my way out. The speaker today talked about "Meals on Wheels". I was surprised at how big a program it is in Kent County. Two members that sit at my table are volunteer drivers. I took Nancy's Taurus to BC and after I took the car to the Ford dealer. They checked the warning light and explained how it worked. I felt kind of stupid because I had never noticed the light before. It is an anti-theft device and is always on when the car turned off. I didn't want to waste a trip so I had them change the oil. The service man said that it would take between 45 and 60 minutes. I got out my Kindle and started reading the WSJ. Fifteen minutes later the work was done. It is Wednesday so Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. It was cool this morning with a passing shower. After the shower I loaded up my road bike and headed to Millennium Park. The sun came out and I had to get rid of several layers of clothes. I pedaled 21 miles. When I got home I checked the temperature and it was in the high 70s. I took Ms P on her walk and then after a shower I took a short nap. Tonight we will have a light dinner and watch some TV. No GRP today so I will read their e-edition. I use "My Heritage" software to keep my family tree. This month they are allowing free use of USA census data from the late 1800s to now. I want to look up several relatives. I hope review this data in the next couple of days. I got my 30' in today did you?

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