Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday September 14, 2013

Boy did I sleep in this morning. Nancy had already gone to water aerobics at the MAC when I woke at 0800. It was cool, low 50s, so I wore long pants for my ride to Bill's. Bill's was very crowded this morning. I had my oatmeal and spent almost 90 minutes reading the WSJ. I don't know why it takes me so long I did not find any article that I found important enough to comment on. When I left Bill's the sun was bright. I think the temperature had gone up 10 degrees. At home I put on my bike shorts, pumped up the road bike and headed to Millennium Park. The parking lot was crowded. I rode 19 miles in 90 minutes. Nancy,while I was riding, headed to the Eastown Street fair. I got home at 1330 and took Ms P on her mile walk. The UM/Akron football game was on TV. UM looked terrible and almost lost. Kim's husband stopped by this afternoon to pick up our old back room chairs. We got new chairs last Saturday. I really like the new chairs, they rock, swivel and recline. This evening Nancy and I are meeting the Namey's at Houlihan's for dinner. After dinner we are going to the Namey's for dessert. It should be a pleasant evening.

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