Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday September 1, 2013

September 1st already. The summer is gone. We got up at 0655 and headed to the MAC. Since it is a holiday weekend we only swam 1,000 yards instead of our normal 1,500. We did go to Meijer's. Most of our purchases were for the dog. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I watched some tennis before taking my nap. I purchased in July a small TV for the basement. I watched the Today show while I was rowing. Since I am not rowing or working out at home I decided to move the TV set upstairs and replace our kitchen TV. The new TV has a bigger screen. Big mistake, I keep getting a message saying I am receiving no signal. I tried to call Comcast but they are experiencing technical difficulties. Nancy is fixing a super duper salad for dinner. We will read the GRP before heading upstairs. Tomorrow we will take the day off and plan on having breakfast in Saugatuck. A cold front is suppose to roll through in a couple of hours. The highs tomorrow is suppose to be in the low 70s.

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