Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday September 29, 2013

We had a shower move through early this morning. No thunder or lightning so Ms P slept through it. Up at 0655 and got ready for our swim at the MAC. Nancy is feeling better so she will try swimming. I felt good this morning and thought I would break the 40 minute barrier. I did not. We did our weekly trip to Meijer's for supplies. Our larder must be full because we did not buy much. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs this morning. I read several sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap. After the nap I retired to the office and checked on our accounts and cleaned out my in basket. The weather has been so nice lately that I have not spent any time in the office. I had to read several weeks worth of mail. The sun came out this afternoon so I took Ms P on her mile walk. Nancy and I think that this morning's rain has brought out the colors on the trees. I do not know if this really is true. Nancy is fixing her world famous hamburg/bake bean casserole for dinner. We will watch some news and 60 Minutes before heading upstairs. I down loaded Apple's new operating system to my MacBook Air and my iPhone. All the geeks at the MAC say it is a good improvement. My next project is to find a full proof way to save my pass words. Any suggestions?

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