Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday September 28, 2013

After the excitement of last night we all slept in. I got up at 0830. Nancy was feeling better this morning. I did have breakfast at Bill's. I had their super breakfast instead of oatmeal this morning. When I got home I ran several errands. I bought Ms P some dry dog food. I bought myself a pair of pants at Fitzgerald's. The pants I like have a pocket for the iPhone and have more room in the thigh and seat. All my bike riding has made the butt and thighs bigger. These pants are a cross between jeans and khakis. They fit well. I also stopped at G.B. Rosso's to buy three bottles of red wine. I have been drinking more wine lately. Usually a glass with dinner. The great weather continues. I put on bike shorts and headed to Millennium Park. I took the single speed road bike. I rode 21 miles in 1h41'. I got home at 1600 and after a quick shower Nancy and I headed to Rose's. We arrived about 1630 so we did not have to wait. We sat outside and enjoyed the nice weather and food. Not much on TV tonight so we will head up early. I am slowly getting through my book about the Vikings in Britain around the year 1,000. September 28, 1938: Ossineke, MI, seventy five years ago today Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that the weather was clear and warm. He commentated that the news from Europe was better. A good part of the afternoon was spent husking corn.

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