Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday September 22, 2013

Welcome to the first day of fall. The time when the hours of daylight and night should be equal. In fact today in GR we have 12h10' of daylight. It is not until Wednesday, the 25th, that we have exactly 12 and 12. Now I ask you who cares? It was cool this morning and it has remained that way all day. We also have had very little sunshine. Nancy and I were in the pool by 0800 and were on our way to Meijer's by 0915. The Meijer's we shop at is undergoing a major renovation. I think it look good except for the glare from the lights and reflective floor. I noticed today that I had difficulty seeing because it was so bright. Nancy did not experience the same thing. I hope for Meijer's sake that the problem is only with RHS. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. Two weeks ago when we were at Trader Joe's we sampled some sunflower butter. It is suppose to be better than peanut butter. It looks the same. I liked my sample so we bought a bottle. I opened the jar on Friday. Both Nancy and I had some and declared it gross. On the upside Ms P likes it. After reading a section of the paper I took my normal Sunday nap. After the nap Nancy and I headed to Kohl's to purchase some items. We did purchase a throw for our new back room chairs. We also stopped at JCP but purchased nothing. I did take Ms P on her mile walk. I also watched the last quarter of the Lions game, they won. Did you know that the Lions are an original member of the NFL. There were 16 teams. The Lions have never been to a Super Bowl. I think it is because they play inside. Only sissies play inside. Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. One of my favorites. We will read the GRP and watch some TV before turning in.

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