Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday September 17, 2013

The temperature reach the 30s last night. I wore layers for my ride to the MAC. I even wore long pants for the first time since May. I almost got below 40' for my swim this morning, 40'20". Maybe Thursday! I think the swimming is paying off. For the first time in many years my weight is below 160#. Is # a pound symbol or a hashtag? Who ever came up with the name hashtag? I had my coffee this morning at the Kava House. They had to turn their heat on for the first time this fall. It was very pleasant. How could the shooter at the Navy yard get kicked out of the Navy without getting a "Bad Conduct Discharge" (BCD)? If he had a BCD he could not have purchased a gun or gotten a security clearance. Detroit's bankruptcy is back in the news with a court hearing this week. I really don't understand the rules for a municipal bankruptcy. I was disappointed that Larry Summers did not get the Fed job. The opponents of fracking have been putting out a lot of false data on the problems with fracking. The WSJ had an article on a recent report that refuted claims by the opponents. First thing I did when I got home was take Ms P on our daily walk. The cool weather has given her more energy. A warning light was on in the Taurus so I told Nancy I would take it in when she got home from the hospital gift shop. She is usually home by 1200. When she was not home at 1530 I got worried and so I got in the C2 and started to drive to the hospital. I passed her on my way. She just got tied up in meeting with Vendors. Nancy loves the retail business. I think the warning light problem is minor but I will still take it in tomorrow. It turned into a really nice fall day. The leaves are turning. The only downside is that we have lost almost 3 hours of daylight since June. The new TV season has not started yet so we will watch the news and then head upstairs for some serious reading.

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