Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday September 11, 2013

Today is my easy day. I slept in until 0700 and had breakfast at Bill's. I was going to go on a long bike ride but as I was getting dressed a very quick shower blew through. I decided to take a shorter route. I got on the hybrid and pedaled to Ada and back a distance of 18 miles. Yesterday the temperature set a record but today the temps were in the mid 80s. It was quite comfortable. After my shower I took a short nap. I finished off the afternoon by running to the bank. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She got out early because of a big private event. This evening Nancy and I headed downtown to the Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM). They had a sneak preview of the art prize exhibits on display at the GRAM. The GRAM was open only to members. We ran into a lot of our OHNA neighbors. I enjoyed the evening. Tonight a major cool front is suppose to move through. Tomorrow the AC come off.

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