Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday September 10, 2013

When I left for the MAC at 0730 the temperature was in the high 70s. When I left at 1000 it was nearing 90. It is now 1730 and the temperature is 91. This hot weather will not last, the high on Friday is suppose to be only 61. Did you know that the summer temperature in Edinburgh rarely gets above 70? I have Edinburgh's temperature on my iPhone. Speaking of iPhones today is the day that Apple introduces it new phone. I love my iphone and think it is an amazing piece of technology. Last night I got a call from a retired surveyor that I know. He had heard that I had a Gunther's Chain. A Gunther's Chain is an old measuring tool. It is 66 feet long (4 rods). The chain is made up of 100 eight inch long steel roads. It was the measuring devise used when Michigan was first surveyed. My Dad owned the chain and he gave it to me. I think only a few remain. Anyway the Surveyor wanted to show a group of students early surveying tools. The chain is on display at SCECO. I let him use it for his talk. Syria still dominates the news. Tonight the President will give his talk. He probably has rewritten the speech many times since Putin threw him a bone. Just who are the good guys in Syria? I got home from the Kava House at 1300. After a quick lunch I took a short nap. It is too hot to take Ms P on a walk. Maybe this evening? Nancy did not go to the MAC today because her knee was hurting her. She recently had the knee x-rayed and it appears she has a muscle tear or pull. You know you are getting old when you have trouble cutting your toenails. Nancy has a flexibility issue and I cannot see unless I am outside in bright natural light. This afternoon I cut Nancy's toenails and then went outside and cut mine. You probably did not want me to share this! Nancy is fixing sloppy Joes for dinner. Sound good! We will read the GRP and watch a rerun of NCIS before heading upstairs. I am now reading a Bernard Cornwell novel, "The Burning Land". Cornwell writes about old England about the time of the Viking attacks. This is my third Cornwell book. I could not get involved in reading Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls". Parker and Leonard wrote better dialogue.

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