Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday September 15, 2013

The weather man said today would be dark and gloomy. He was right. We have had sprinkles all day. As usual Nancy and I went swimming today. After the swim we headed to Meijer's. Gas was $3.47 per gallon. The Meijer's we go to is under renovation. They have done a great job keeping the store open during all the construction work. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. For the first time in ages both Nancy and Bob took a nap. Must be the gloomy day? After my nap I drove to MC Sporting Goods to get a new swim suit. Since I started swimming 5 days a week the chemicals are destroying my swim suits in record time. I also bought a Nike hoody sweat shirt in a high visibility yellow. Can not be too safe on the bike. I also stopped at Woodland Mall. I was going to look at a new style of khakis made by Dockers. One of my magazines said they were great. I totally disagree. Same old cheap Dockers. I like J Crew khakis so I looked at their selection. They did not have what I wanted. Why is a retired 75 year old so fussy about khaki style? How about the OHHS dropout making over $50,000,000 last night. Why to go Floyd! Nancy is fixing deli sandwich and soup for dinner tonight. Right now the Lions game is on and I am writing this blog instead of watching the game. Must be an age thing. 35 years ago I would spend all Sunday afternoon and evening watching football. Now I really don't care. 75 years ago on this date in Ossineke, Mi. My great-grandfather Sanborn said that it was cool but no frost. He spent the morning digging potatoes. GGF said that GGM and Aunt Julia picked beans. He helped then shell the beams. Do you shell beans? When I was in high school the boys got 1 day off for bird hunting and 1 day off for deer hunting. The days off for hunting did not apply to girls. However, both boys and girls got 5 days off for potato picking. Go figure!

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