Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday September 21, 2013

The rain has stopped. I slept in today until 0730. Nancy was headed to the MAC for her 0830 class at the MAC. I pedaled to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. The temperature was in the mid 50s. Today was a perfect fall day. I loaded my road bike on the C2 and headed to Riverside Park. I pedaled north to Rockford. The trail was crowded. The fall colors are starting. It took me 2h11' to go 25 miles. I am still getting use to my shoes with the clips. I think the clips make it easier to move my single speed. For dinner tonight we decided on Rose's. In order to get a table without waiting we had to be there before 1630. As we were getting ready to leave our power went out. I checked with several neighbors and they also did not have any power. A perfect time for dinner. We got a good table at Roses. Nancy had a Reuben and I had a burger. After dinner we stopped at TJ Maxx. We are looking for several throw rugs to put over our new leather chairs. The instructions that came with the chairs said not to let pets on the chairs. Their oils can ruin the leather. Right now we are watching the UM/Conn game. Tomorrow is the first day of Fall.

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