Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday September 27, 2013

My day started at 0530 when I took off for the MAC, dodging errant lawn sprinklers. I was in the pool at 0600. I had coffee today at Kava House. Nancy was a little under the weather so she stayed home. Today is grass cutting day. While I cut the grass and threw the ball for Ms P, Nancy cut back some flowers. I hope that today is the last time this year that I have to trim the grass. Growing season should end about the second week in Oct. It was warm today with the temperature near 80. In fact it was so nice that we sat outside at GL Shipping. A lot of folks were also outside enjoying the nice weather. I went for a walk at 0730 and when I got home Nancy had just finished checking her blood pressure. She looked flushed and the BP was very high. We took no chances and headed to Emergency at Blodgett. The folk in Emergency were very good at getting Nancy checked in and they immediately started taking all kinds of tests. We both thought that her problem was blood pressure related because of the severe chest pain she was having. However, after all the tests it was determined that the problem was not heart related. Nancy has been having some knee and foot pain. She has been taking Motrin. The Motrin has been attacking her stomach causing an acid reflex attack. The Doctor took her off Motrin. She was also given a prescription for medicine to help combat the acid reflex. The good news is that Nancy's problems are not heart related. Of course the bad news is pain from the acid reflex. Getting old sucks!

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