Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday September 9, 2013

It was raining hard at 0530 so I drove to the MAC. I had the pool all to myself. It was still raining hard when I left so I stopped at Starbuck in Breton Village. When I got home I put a new tube in my road bike tire. I was pumping the tire up when it exploded. The tube was split. I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to GR Bike. I had them fix the tire. I had them put a pair of new pedals on the bike. I like the shoe clips. Today is Doctor day for Nancy and Bob. Nancy is meeting with a specialist on goiters and I am meeting with my dentist. I have a major cavity under my bridge. So the bridge must be cut and the bad tooth removed. I will probably have to have an implant. Nancy's doctor told her that her biopsy on her goiter was ok, but he wants to do one more. Getting old is not for sissies. We will have a light dinner. We will watch the news and maybe I will take Ms P for a walk. After the rain this morning it really warmed up. It is now in the hight 80s. 90 is predicted for tomorrow. We have the AC on.

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