Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday September 24, 2013

I am a little late writing this blog. It is now 2220 and I am watching Person of Interest. The day started cool and clear but warmed up in a hurry. Another beautiful fall day. I put on layers for my bike ride to the MAC. Two people in every lane for about ten minutes and then I had the pool to myself. After the MAC I ended up at the Kava House. Free refill Tuesday! I read the WSJ but I can not remember an article worth talking about. I am tired of reading about the problems in the EU. When I got home I had a quick lunch and took Ms P on our mile walk. We were just about home when Nancy drove by saying she said she was on her way to the Dollar Store and Costco. I told her that I wanted to go. Our first stop was the Dollar Store. I bought a hair brush. Yes folks a hair brush. I am getting tired of shaving my head so I am letting my hair grow. Costco was not very crowded. Nancy bought some lotion and I bought some long underwear. Cold weather is coming. In fact yesterday I put all my shorts in storage. I ran one more errand. I had to pick up a prescription at Meijer's. I finished the beans and rice this evening. We watched the news and then the season openers for NCIS and NCIS LA. They changed Person of Interest from Thursday to Tuesday at 2200. I don't like shows that start that late. I have trouble staying awake past 2100. Anyway tomorrow is my easy day.

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