Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday September 13 2013

It was cold this morning when I left for the MAC at 0530. The temperature was in the low 50s. I wore shorts which I regretted. Today was a swim day, in fact every day I go to the MAC is a swim day. Swimming has replaced both rowing and running in my routine. After the MAC I stopped at the Starbuck at Breton Village. Actually because it is Friday the 13th I wanted to buy a lottery ticket. Did you know that I won a Jeep in a lottery with the number 13? The year was 1956. I always buy a ticket on Friday the 13th. The first thing I did when I got home was to put on long pants. Today is grass cutting day. I started at 1200 and finished at 1530. Under perfect conditions it should take me 2 hours. However, I have to throw the ball to Ms P and also to talk to any neighbor who walks by. Today I talked to Al Bennett. Al recently had some major back surgery. The surgery went ok but Al had a serious reaction to the pain medication. Al has recovered and is now back to his normal routine. The back pain is gone. Nancy worked at the Blodgett Gift Shop this afternoon. For dinner tonight we went to Russ's. I had a club sandwich and Nancy had the chicken rice soup. We were the youngest folk there. There are frost warnings up for areas north of GR. Not much on TV so we will head to bed early for some serious reading. Of course we will put on an extra blanket tonight. Fall has arrived.

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