Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday September 7, 2013

Typical Saturday: Nancy drives to the MAC for water aerobics and I pedal to Bill's. I had their oatmeal. I headed right home after breakfast because I had an errand to run before Design Quest delivers our new back room chairs. I ran my errand and got home at 1130. Design Quest said they would deliver between 1200 and 1400. They arrived early. The chairs are super. I was going to take my road bike on a ride in Millennium Park but when I tried to fill up the front tire it went flat. I think the valve stem failed. I took the shoe clips off the road bike and put them on my hybrid. This is the first time I used shoe clips on the hybrid. It worked great. I rode 19 miles in 1h35'. Nancy fixed me a turkey sandwich for dinner. We also had boiled new potatoes. Right now I am watching the UM/Notre Dame game. It is almost 2200. I will head to bed because tomorrow Nancy and I are heading to Livonia for a show. Nancy wants to buy some goods for the Blodgett Gift Shop. On our way home we will stop at Trader Joe's and the Discount Mall in Howell. It will be long day.

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