Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday September 5, 2013

I left home about 0730 in very bright sunshine. The temperature was in the 60s. I like to wear shorts when I ride my bike but I don't know how much longer the weather will allow me this luxury. I did my swim this morning. Nancy was also in the pool with me. She swims 20 laps on Thursday and I do 30. After the swim I did my calisthenics. On Thursday the MAC is empty. Most folks follow a MWF routine. I had coffee this morning at Starbucks in Gaslight Village. I thought the place would be crowded now that EGR HS has started. The shop is within a block of the school. However, the place seems less crowded since school started. I can always get a comfortable chair. How about those car sales. The booming car industry is good for MI. Good article in the WSJ on the removal of vacant homes in Detroit. I say plant trees and in a couple of years the place will be loaded with deer and other wild creatures. Some times good things happen after a disaster. After the accident at Chernobyl the USSR created a very large no mans land around the abandoned plant. Within a couple of years bears, buffalo, elk and wolves moved into the no mans land. These animals had not been seen in this area in hundreds of years. Apparently the animals have shown no health problems. Time will tell. We are having our new super duper back room chairs delivered on Saturday. After lunch I drove to Design Quest and paid our bill. I am looking forward to the new chairs. The chairs rock, swivel, and recline. Nancy and I had dinner at GL Shipping this evening. It was warm enough to sit outside. We have to make use of our remaining warm weather. The things you can find on the internet. I knew in 1938 that GGF Sanborn had a Lincoln-Zephyr. I found the Zephyr was listed as "a marque for the lower priced line of luxury cars in the Lincoln line". So says Google.

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