Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday September 12, 2013

Our first chore this morning was to turn off the AC. Cooler weather is coming. Nancy and I left at the same time this morning, she drove and I pedaled to the MAC. It was a swim day for both of us. After the MAC I pedaled to Starbuck in Gaslight. I am getting smarter regarding the cranked up AC at this Starbucks. I put a sweatshirt in my backpack and put it on as soon as I have my coffee. I am tired already of Syria and the election in NYC. How about some immigration reform and a decent budget. It was nice and cool this afternoon so I made Ms P take a mile walk. My project this afternoon was to write some checks to charities that we give to annually. Being Thursday Nancy and I had dinner at GL Shipping. We sat inside because it was too cool and windy to sit outside. Nancy had an appointment with the eye doctor this morning. He told her that she will soon need cataract surgery. I am sure he will tell me the same thing in November. We got a paper copy of the GRP today so I will read it before turning in. The new TV season has not started yet so we will spend the evening reading. Reading is what my Grand parents did every evening. They also would listen to the radio. Radio listening and reading are compatible. Reading and TV watching are not compatible.

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