Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday September 30, 2013

This morning is one of my early mornings. I arrived at the MAC at 0600. I am always surprised that the parking lot is full. In fact a lot of folks have finished their workout by 0600. I did my swim and calisthenics and then pedaled to the Starbucks in Gaslight Village. Todays WSJ continued reporting on the health care exchanges. Republicans are complaining about all the glitches in the computer programs that run the exchanges. I think that this should be expected on a task this large and complex. It is just a matter of time before the bugs are worked out. The Affordable Care Law is the law and Republicans should live with it. The law can be modified later. I got home at 1100. It was too early for lunch so I took Ms P on her mile walk. After lunch I did take a quick nap. It is now 1639 and my next project this afternoon is password protection. The new Apple operating systems has several unique features. I have under the weather icon the cities of GR, LA, Cupertino, Alpena and Edinburgh, Scotland. The new system gives the time of sunrise and sunset. Did you know that the sunset time in LA is 1836, Cupertino 1851, GR 1923, Alpena 1915. I think the reason the sunset time in GR is greater than LA is because GR sits on the far west side of the time zone. The sunset for NYC is 1838 or 45' before GR. Who really cares except a retired engineer? My phone keeps sending me Breaking News messages. President Obama is going to speak to the nation at 1645. I bought a jar of herring in wine sauce at Costco. Nancy can't stand the smell but I really like herring. Must be a guy thing. Herring is popular in northern Europe where the fish is plentiful. Speaking of food, tonight we will have a light dinner and then watch some TV before heading upstairs. I got my 30 in today did you? FYI Nancy is feeling much better. She took several classes at the MAC today.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday September 29, 2013

We had a shower move through early this morning. No thunder or lightning so Ms P slept through it. Up at 0655 and got ready for our swim at the MAC. Nancy is feeling better so she will try swimming. I felt good this morning and thought I would break the 40 minute barrier. I did not. We did our weekly trip to Meijer's for supplies. Our larder must be full because we did not buy much. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs this morning. I read several sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap. After the nap I retired to the office and checked on our accounts and cleaned out my in basket. The weather has been so nice lately that I have not spent any time in the office. I had to read several weeks worth of mail. The sun came out this afternoon so I took Ms P on her mile walk. Nancy and I think that this morning's rain has brought out the colors on the trees. I do not know if this really is true. Nancy is fixing her world famous hamburg/bake bean casserole for dinner. We will watch some news and 60 Minutes before heading upstairs. I down loaded Apple's new operating system to my MacBook Air and my iPhone. All the geeks at the MAC say it is a good improvement. My next project is to find a full proof way to save my pass words. Any suggestions?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday September 28, 2013

After the excitement of last night we all slept in. I got up at 0830. Nancy was feeling better this morning. I did have breakfast at Bill's. I had their super breakfast instead of oatmeal this morning. When I got home I ran several errands. I bought Ms P some dry dog food. I bought myself a pair of pants at Fitzgerald's. The pants I like have a pocket for the iPhone and have more room in the thigh and seat. All my bike riding has made the butt and thighs bigger. These pants are a cross between jeans and khakis. They fit well. I also stopped at G.B. Rosso's to buy three bottles of red wine. I have been drinking more wine lately. Usually a glass with dinner. The great weather continues. I put on bike shorts and headed to Millennium Park. I took the single speed road bike. I rode 21 miles in 1h41'. I got home at 1600 and after a quick shower Nancy and I headed to Rose's. We arrived about 1630 so we did not have to wait. We sat outside and enjoyed the nice weather and food. Not much on TV tonight so we will head up early. I am slowly getting through my book about the Vikings in Britain around the year 1,000. September 28, 1938: Ossineke, MI, seventy five years ago today Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that the weather was clear and warm. He commentated that the news from Europe was better. A good part of the afternoon was spent husking corn.

Friday September 27, 2013

My day started at 0530 when I took off for the MAC, dodging errant lawn sprinklers. I was in the pool at 0600. I had coffee today at Kava House. Nancy was a little under the weather so she stayed home. Today is grass cutting day. While I cut the grass and threw the ball for Ms P, Nancy cut back some flowers. I hope that today is the last time this year that I have to trim the grass. Growing season should end about the second week in Oct. It was warm today with the temperature near 80. In fact it was so nice that we sat outside at GL Shipping. A lot of folks were also outside enjoying the nice weather. I went for a walk at 0730 and when I got home Nancy had just finished checking her blood pressure. She looked flushed and the BP was very high. We took no chances and headed to Emergency at Blodgett. The folk in Emergency were very good at getting Nancy checked in and they immediately started taking all kinds of tests. We both thought that her problem was blood pressure related because of the severe chest pain she was having. However, after all the tests it was determined that the problem was not heart related. Nancy has been having some knee and foot pain. She has been taking Motrin. The Motrin has been attacking her stomach causing an acid reflex attack. The Doctor took her off Motrin. She was also given a prescription for medicine to help combat the acid reflex. The good news is that Nancy's problems are not heart related. Of course the bad news is pain from the acid reflex. Getting old sucks!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday September 26, 2013

Today was another great fall day in Michigan. The days are getting shorter. This morning I had to turn my bike lights when I left at 0730. Nancy and I both went swimming this morning. I have reached a plateau in both my weight and swimming time. I cannot get below 160# for my weight or 40' for my swim. I get very close but cannot break these barriers. I had a quick coffee at the Breton Village Starbucks. I was home by 1145. At noon Nancy and I headed downtown to the Women's City Club. Luckily we had reservations for lunch because we got the last table. The lunch was great. The City Club is also an Art Prize Venue. We looked at all the exhibits. We then walked downtown and visited three more venues. Once again downtown was crowded. We spent three hours downtown. It was a great afternoon. Since we had lunch at the City Club we did not go to GL Shipping this evening. Nancy fixed me a fried egg sandwich and bowl of soup. We both had a glass of wine. Nancy talked to AJ and Lucas this evening. She always has a bright smile when she talks to the Grandkids. The new TV season has changed our viewing schedule. I have difficulty staying awake past 2200.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday September 25, 2013

Today was Michigan at its best. Bright sun, great color and temperatures in the high 60s. I started the day pedaling to Bill's for their oatmeal breakfast. The WSJ had several articles on the new insurance exchanges that are open for enrollment on October 1. The law is so complicated that I think when it all shakes out the result will be far different from what was intended. When I got home I loaded the road bike on the C2 and headed to Montcalm County. The trail is called the Fred Meijer Heartland Trail. It runs from Greenville and heads northeast towards Alma on an old railroad bed. I started in Sydney and ended up in Edmore. I rode 25 miles in two hours. I ran into two hard core bikers who were riding from Alma to Stanton a distance of 30 miles. They average 16 mph. With my single speed I average 12 mph. Today is Nancy's easy day also. She is on the Volunteer Committee for the new japanese Gardens. They had a morning meeting. The Japanese Garden is scheduled to open in 2015. Nancy also had to work at the front desk. They had over 2,000 visitors this afternoon. We had a light dinner and watched the news. No new shows tonight so we headed upstairs at 2100.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday September 24, 2013

I am a little late writing this blog. It is now 2220 and I am watching Person of Interest. The day started cool and clear but warmed up in a hurry. Another beautiful fall day. I put on layers for my bike ride to the MAC. Two people in every lane for about ten minutes and then I had the pool to myself. After the MAC I ended up at the Kava House. Free refill Tuesday! I read the WSJ but I can not remember an article worth talking about. I am tired of reading about the problems in the EU. When I got home I had a quick lunch and took Ms P on our mile walk. We were just about home when Nancy drove by saying she said she was on her way to the Dollar Store and Costco. I told her that I wanted to go. Our first stop was the Dollar Store. I bought a hair brush. Yes folks a hair brush. I am getting tired of shaving my head so I am letting my hair grow. Costco was not very crowded. Nancy bought some lotion and I bought some long underwear. Cold weather is coming. In fact yesterday I put all my shorts in storage. I ran one more errand. I had to pick up a prescription at Meijer's. I finished the beans and rice this evening. We watched the news and then the season openers for NCIS and NCIS LA. They changed Person of Interest from Thursday to Tuesday at 2200. I don't like shows that start that late. I have trouble staying awake past 2100. Anyway tomorrow is my easy day.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday September 23, 2013

It was real cold this morning, 41. When I left at 0530 I had multiple layers on. Layers work. Only one person was in the pool when I jumped in at 0600. I almost broke my 40' goal, 40'12". I had my coffee at Starbucks in Breton Village this morning. It took 90' to read the WSJ. When I left Breton Village the sun was bright and the temperature had risen to 61. This afternoon Nancy and I headed downtown to visit Art Prize. We toured the downtown area. We started at the Bob and then walked across the Blue Bridge to the GR Public Museum. We crossed Pearl and saw the venues at the Gerald Ford Museum and then the Convention Center. We took the skyway back to the Amway Grand Plaza. The skyway had a lot of exhibits. Several folks have said that they did not think the art work was not as good as in previous years. I do not agree. I thought the exhibits were better than last year. Nancy and I spent 2.5 hours downtown. It was good to see so many folks walking around enjoying Art Prize on a beautiful fall afternoon. We had a light dinner and then watched some reruns on TV. The new season has not started for the shows we enjoy.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday September 22, 2013

Welcome to the first day of fall. The time when the hours of daylight and night should be equal. In fact today in GR we have 12h10' of daylight. It is not until Wednesday, the 25th, that we have exactly 12 and 12. Now I ask you who cares? It was cool this morning and it has remained that way all day. We also have had very little sunshine. Nancy and I were in the pool by 0800 and were on our way to Meijer's by 0915. The Meijer's we shop at is undergoing a major renovation. I think it look good except for the glare from the lights and reflective floor. I noticed today that I had difficulty seeing because it was so bright. Nancy did not experience the same thing. I hope for Meijer's sake that the problem is only with RHS. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. Two weeks ago when we were at Trader Joe's we sampled some sunflower butter. It is suppose to be better than peanut butter. It looks the same. I liked my sample so we bought a bottle. I opened the jar on Friday. Both Nancy and I had some and declared it gross. On the upside Ms P likes it. After reading a section of the paper I took my normal Sunday nap. After the nap Nancy and I headed to Kohl's to purchase some items. We did purchase a throw for our new back room chairs. We also stopped at JCP but purchased nothing. I did take Ms P on her mile walk. I also watched the last quarter of the Lions game, they won. Did you know that the Lions are an original member of the NFL. There were 16 teams. The Lions have never been to a Super Bowl. I think it is because they play inside. Only sissies play inside. Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. One of my favorites. We will read the GRP and watch some TV before turning in.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday September 21, 2013

The rain has stopped. I slept in today until 0730. Nancy was headed to the MAC for her 0830 class at the MAC. I pedaled to Bill's for an oatmeal breakfast. The temperature was in the mid 50s. Today was a perfect fall day. I loaded my road bike on the C2 and headed to Riverside Park. I pedaled north to Rockford. The trail was crowded. The fall colors are starting. It took me 2h11' to go 25 miles. I am still getting use to my shoes with the clips. I think the clips make it easier to move my single speed. For dinner tonight we decided on Rose's. In order to get a table without waiting we had to be there before 1630. As we were getting ready to leave our power went out. I checked with several neighbors and they also did not have any power. A perfect time for dinner. We got a good table at Roses. Nancy had a Reuben and I had a burger. After dinner we stopped at TJ Maxx. We are looking for several throw rugs to put over our new leather chairs. The instructions that came with the chairs said not to let pets on the chairs. Their oils can ruin the leather. Right now we are watching the UM/Conn game. Tomorrow is the first day of Fall.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday September 20, 2013

When I took Ms P out at 0430 it was 72 and very humid. The weather folks said it would rain soon. Despite the warning I took my bike to the MAC. I wore shorts and a long sleeve tee but I worked up a sweat. I did my normal routine. I had coffee at the Kava House. Are the Republicans in the US House idiots? I got home about 1000 and it still had not rained. I got out the lawn mower and started cutting the grass. I got the entire lawn done and no rain. I was done by 1230. TruGreen came at 1500 and put on an application of fertilizer. Nancy had lunch today with friends from the Gift Shop. After I finished cutting and trimming I took a quick shower and went to Macatawa Bank. I had a CD coming due. Interest rates for a 12 month CD are 0.25%. Thank you Ben. Five years ago I got 4%. Nancy got home at 1500 and we immediately headed to Costco. We had to replenish our paper supplies and buy some sandwich rolls. For a Friday Costco was not very crowded. I bought a deli sandwich for dinner. Nancy and I both had a glass of wine with dinner. We watched some TV before heading upstairs. It is now 2215 and still no rain. Is tomorrow the first day of Fall?

Thursday September 19, 2013

It was raining hard when I got ready to leave for the MAC. I took the C2 because I do not ride my bike during an electric storm. The pool was closed because of the electrical storm. I did my calisthenics. The pool was reopened and I got in my 1500 yards. I had my coffee at the Starbuck in Breton Village. After my coffee I walked through the mall and bought a pair of pants at Fitzgerald's. I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on her mile walk. At 1500 I got in the C2 and headed to Dr Kutsche's office. Today I had my annual physical. I dread the physical especially the prostrate test. However, after it is over I am glad that I scheduled it. In the past couple of years medicare has changed it's rules. The blood work and other lab tests are non-participating. I still think the annual testing is important. When I got home Nancy and I headed to St George's Hall on GR west side. It is a Polish hall. Thursday night is hamburg night. Huge hamburgs for only $5. We met the Namey's, Moleski's and Tim Mast. The place was jammed and noisy. We had a good time.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday September 18, 2013

Today I had Breakfast Club. It was pitch black when I left this morning. The temperature was in the 50s. We had an egg dish and potatoes but the highlight was the home made scones. I took 2 for breakfast and stole one on my way out. The speaker today talked about "Meals on Wheels". I was surprised at how big a program it is in Kent County. Two members that sit at my table are volunteer drivers. I took Nancy's Taurus to BC and after I took the car to the Ford dealer. They checked the warning light and explained how it worked. I felt kind of stupid because I had never noticed the light before. It is an anti-theft device and is always on when the car turned off. I didn't want to waste a trip so I had them change the oil. The service man said that it would take between 45 and 60 minutes. I got out my Kindle and started reading the WSJ. Fifteen minutes later the work was done. It is Wednesday so Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. It was cool this morning with a passing shower. After the shower I loaded up my road bike and headed to Millennium Park. The sun came out and I had to get rid of several layers of clothes. I pedaled 21 miles. When I got home I checked the temperature and it was in the high 70s. I took Ms P on her walk and then after a shower I took a short nap. Tonight we will have a light dinner and watch some TV. No GRP today so I will read their e-edition. I use "My Heritage" software to keep my family tree. This month they are allowing free use of USA census data from the late 1800s to now. I want to look up several relatives. I hope review this data in the next couple of days. I got my 30' in today did you?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday September 17, 2013

The temperature reach the 30s last night. I wore layers for my ride to the MAC. I even wore long pants for the first time since May. I almost got below 40' for my swim this morning, 40'20". Maybe Thursday! I think the swimming is paying off. For the first time in many years my weight is below 160#. Is # a pound symbol or a hashtag? Who ever came up with the name hashtag? I had my coffee this morning at the Kava House. They had to turn their heat on for the first time this fall. It was very pleasant. How could the shooter at the Navy yard get kicked out of the Navy without getting a "Bad Conduct Discharge" (BCD)? If he had a BCD he could not have purchased a gun or gotten a security clearance. Detroit's bankruptcy is back in the news with a court hearing this week. I really don't understand the rules for a municipal bankruptcy. I was disappointed that Larry Summers did not get the Fed job. The opponents of fracking have been putting out a lot of false data on the problems with fracking. The WSJ had an article on a recent report that refuted claims by the opponents. First thing I did when I got home was take Ms P on our daily walk. The cool weather has given her more energy. A warning light was on in the Taurus so I told Nancy I would take it in when she got home from the hospital gift shop. She is usually home by 1200. When she was not home at 1530 I got worried and so I got in the C2 and started to drive to the hospital. I passed her on my way. She just got tied up in meeting with Vendors. Nancy loves the retail business. I think the warning light problem is minor but I will still take it in tomorrow. It turned into a really nice fall day. The leaves are turning. The only downside is that we have lost almost 3 hours of daylight since June. The new TV season has not started yet so we will watch the news and then head upstairs for some serious reading.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday September 16, 2013

It was cool this morning but I still wore shorts. Big mistake! I was in the pool a little after 0600. I set a PB for my swim. My goal is to get below 40'. I stopped at Starbucks in Gas Light for my coffee. The first thing I did when I got home was to take Ms P on her mile walk. She likes the cool weather. I spent most of the afternoon paying bills and catching up on my reading. I made it to July for SI. We had a light dinner and then retired to the back room. We turned the electric heater on. Frost warnings are up for this evening. It is now 2100 and Nancy is heading upstairs to get out her comforter. I will watch some of the football game before retiring.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday September 15, 2013

The weather man said today would be dark and gloomy. He was right. We have had sprinkles all day. As usual Nancy and I went swimming today. After the swim we headed to Meijer's. Gas was $3.47 per gallon. The Meijer's we go to is under renovation. They have done a great job keeping the store open during all the construction work. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. For the first time in ages both Nancy and Bob took a nap. Must be the gloomy day? After my nap I drove to MC Sporting Goods to get a new swim suit. Since I started swimming 5 days a week the chemicals are destroying my swim suits in record time. I also bought a Nike hoody sweat shirt in a high visibility yellow. Can not be too safe on the bike. I also stopped at Woodland Mall. I was going to look at a new style of khakis made by Dockers. One of my magazines said they were great. I totally disagree. Same old cheap Dockers. I like J Crew khakis so I looked at their selection. They did not have what I wanted. Why is a retired 75 year old so fussy about khaki style? How about the OHHS dropout making over $50,000,000 last night. Why to go Floyd! Nancy is fixing deli sandwich and soup for dinner tonight. Right now the Lions game is on and I am writing this blog instead of watching the game. Must be an age thing. 35 years ago I would spend all Sunday afternoon and evening watching football. Now I really don't care. 75 years ago on this date in Ossineke, Mi. My great-grandfather Sanborn said that it was cool but no frost. He spent the morning digging potatoes. GGF said that GGM and Aunt Julia picked beans. He helped then shell the beams. Do you shell beans? When I was in high school the boys got 1 day off for bird hunting and 1 day off for deer hunting. The days off for hunting did not apply to girls. However, both boys and girls got 5 days off for potato picking. Go figure!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday September 14, 2013

Boy did I sleep in this morning. Nancy had already gone to water aerobics at the MAC when I woke at 0800. It was cool, low 50s, so I wore long pants for my ride to Bill's. Bill's was very crowded this morning. I had my oatmeal and spent almost 90 minutes reading the WSJ. I don't know why it takes me so long I did not find any article that I found important enough to comment on. When I left Bill's the sun was bright. I think the temperature had gone up 10 degrees. At home I put on my bike shorts, pumped up the road bike and headed to Millennium Park. The parking lot was crowded. I rode 19 miles in 90 minutes. Nancy,while I was riding, headed to the Eastown Street fair. I got home at 1330 and took Ms P on her mile walk. The UM/Akron football game was on TV. UM looked terrible and almost lost. Kim's husband stopped by this afternoon to pick up our old back room chairs. We got new chairs last Saturday. I really like the new chairs, they rock, swivel and recline. This evening Nancy and I are meeting the Namey's at Houlihan's for dinner. After dinner we are going to the Namey's for dessert. It should be a pleasant evening.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday September 13 2013

It was cold this morning when I left for the MAC at 0530. The temperature was in the low 50s. I wore shorts which I regretted. Today was a swim day, in fact every day I go to the MAC is a swim day. Swimming has replaced both rowing and running in my routine. After the MAC I stopped at the Starbuck at Breton Village. Actually because it is Friday the 13th I wanted to buy a lottery ticket. Did you know that I won a Jeep in a lottery with the number 13? The year was 1956. I always buy a ticket on Friday the 13th. The first thing I did when I got home was to put on long pants. Today is grass cutting day. I started at 1200 and finished at 1530. Under perfect conditions it should take me 2 hours. However, I have to throw the ball to Ms P and also to talk to any neighbor who walks by. Today I talked to Al Bennett. Al recently had some major back surgery. The surgery went ok but Al had a serious reaction to the pain medication. Al has recovered and is now back to his normal routine. The back pain is gone. Nancy worked at the Blodgett Gift Shop this afternoon. For dinner tonight we went to Russ's. I had a club sandwich and Nancy had the chicken rice soup. We were the youngest folk there. There are frost warnings up for areas north of GR. Not much on TV so we will head to bed early for some serious reading. Of course we will put on an extra blanket tonight. Fall has arrived.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday September 12, 2013

Our first chore this morning was to turn off the AC. Cooler weather is coming. Nancy and I left at the same time this morning, she drove and I pedaled to the MAC. It was a swim day for both of us. After the MAC I pedaled to Starbuck in Gaslight. I am getting smarter regarding the cranked up AC at this Starbucks. I put a sweatshirt in my backpack and put it on as soon as I have my coffee. I am tired already of Syria and the election in NYC. How about some immigration reform and a decent budget. It was nice and cool this afternoon so I made Ms P take a mile walk. My project this afternoon was to write some checks to charities that we give to annually. Being Thursday Nancy and I had dinner at GL Shipping. We sat inside because it was too cool and windy to sit outside. Nancy had an appointment with the eye doctor this morning. He told her that she will soon need cataract surgery. I am sure he will tell me the same thing in November. We got a paper copy of the GRP today so I will read it before turning in. The new TV season has not started yet so we will spend the evening reading. Reading is what my Grand parents did every evening. They also would listen to the radio. Radio listening and reading are compatible. Reading and TV watching are not compatible.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday September 11, 2013

Today is my easy day. I slept in until 0700 and had breakfast at Bill's. I was going to go on a long bike ride but as I was getting dressed a very quick shower blew through. I decided to take a shorter route. I got on the hybrid and pedaled to Ada and back a distance of 18 miles. Yesterday the temperature set a record but today the temps were in the mid 80s. It was quite comfortable. After my shower I took a short nap. I finished off the afternoon by running to the bank. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She got out early because of a big private event. This evening Nancy and I headed downtown to the Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM). They had a sneak preview of the art prize exhibits on display at the GRAM. The GRAM was open only to members. We ran into a lot of our OHNA neighbors. I enjoyed the evening. Tonight a major cool front is suppose to move through. Tomorrow the AC come off.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday September 10, 2013

When I left for the MAC at 0730 the temperature was in the high 70s. When I left at 1000 it was nearing 90. It is now 1730 and the temperature is 91. This hot weather will not last, the high on Friday is suppose to be only 61. Did you know that the summer temperature in Edinburgh rarely gets above 70? I have Edinburgh's temperature on my iPhone. Speaking of iPhones today is the day that Apple introduces it new phone. I love my iphone and think it is an amazing piece of technology. Last night I got a call from a retired surveyor that I know. He had heard that I had a Gunther's Chain. A Gunther's Chain is an old measuring tool. It is 66 feet long (4 rods). The chain is made up of 100 eight inch long steel roads. It was the measuring devise used when Michigan was first surveyed. My Dad owned the chain and he gave it to me. I think only a few remain. Anyway the Surveyor wanted to show a group of students early surveying tools. The chain is on display at SCECO. I let him use it for his talk. Syria still dominates the news. Tonight the President will give his talk. He probably has rewritten the speech many times since Putin threw him a bone. Just who are the good guys in Syria? I got home from the Kava House at 1300. After a quick lunch I took a short nap. It is too hot to take Ms P on a walk. Maybe this evening? Nancy did not go to the MAC today because her knee was hurting her. She recently had the knee x-rayed and it appears she has a muscle tear or pull. You know you are getting old when you have trouble cutting your toenails. Nancy has a flexibility issue and I cannot see unless I am outside in bright natural light. This afternoon I cut Nancy's toenails and then went outside and cut mine. You probably did not want me to share this! Nancy is fixing sloppy Joes for dinner. Sound good! We will read the GRP and watch a rerun of NCIS before heading upstairs. I am now reading a Bernard Cornwell novel, "The Burning Land". Cornwell writes about old England about the time of the Viking attacks. This is my third Cornwell book. I could not get involved in reading Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls". Parker and Leonard wrote better dialogue.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday September 9, 2013

It was raining hard at 0530 so I drove to the MAC. I had the pool all to myself. It was still raining hard when I left so I stopped at Starbuck in Breton Village. When I got home I put a new tube in my road bike tire. I was pumping the tire up when it exploded. The tube was split. I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to GR Bike. I had them fix the tire. I had them put a pair of new pedals on the bike. I like the shoe clips. Today is Doctor day for Nancy and Bob. Nancy is meeting with a specialist on goiters and I am meeting with my dentist. I have a major cavity under my bridge. So the bridge must be cut and the bad tooth removed. I will probably have to have an implant. Nancy's doctor told her that her biopsy on her goiter was ok, but he wants to do one more. Getting old is not for sissies. We will have a light dinner. We will watch the news and maybe I will take Ms P for a walk. After the rain this morning it really warmed up. It is now in the hight 80s. 90 is predicted for tomorrow. We have the AC on.

Sunday September 8, 2013

Today we are all going to Livonia for a vendor's show at the Embassy Suites. We left at 0730 and stopped to get coffee and bagels. I just got on the freeway when the "low tire pressure" light came on. I got off at Ionia and drove to a gas station to put air in the tires. The light remained on all the way to Livonia. Nancy spent about 3 hours visiting different vendors. She did make some purchases. After the show we stopped at Trader Joe's, also in Livonia. We bought a case of two buck Chuck and trail mix, soup, ginger snaps, and crackers. We also bought a jar of Sunflower butter. It tastes like old fashioned peanut butter. Nancy purchased some cookies for Mary Namey. We also stopped at the Tanger's Discount Mall in Howell. We just started looking around when I got a call from the Alarm folks saying our security alarm went off and what did I want to do about it. Stupid question! I told them to call the GR Police. We got in the car and headed home. About 50 miles from home the security firm called and said that the GR Police reported our house was secure. No breakin. Nancy fixed a nice potato salad with crab meat for dinner. We watched some tennis and 60 minutes before turning in.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday September 7, 2013

Typical Saturday: Nancy drives to the MAC for water aerobics and I pedal to Bill's. I had their oatmeal. I headed right home after breakfast because I had an errand to run before Design Quest delivers our new back room chairs. I ran my errand and got home at 1130. Design Quest said they would deliver between 1200 and 1400. They arrived early. The chairs are super. I was going to take my road bike on a ride in Millennium Park but when I tried to fill up the front tire it went flat. I think the valve stem failed. I took the shoe clips off the road bike and put them on my hybrid. This is the first time I used shoe clips on the hybrid. It worked great. I rode 19 miles in 1h35'. Nancy fixed me a turkey sandwich for dinner. We also had boiled new potatoes. Right now I am watching the UM/Notre Dame game. It is almost 2200. I will head to bed because tomorrow Nancy and I are heading to Livonia for a show. Nancy wants to buy some goods for the Blodgett Gift Shop. On our way home we will stop at Trader Joe's and the Discount Mall in Howell. It will be long day.

Friday September 6, 2013

Up at 0455 and on bike and heading to MAC at 0530. Not much traffic but all approaching cars had their brights on. I never use my brights in a city. Stopped at Starbucks in Gaslight for my coffee. I started cutting the grass at 1130 and finished at 1530. We had planned on staying home tonight but Nancy told me that Karen Horlings had called. We are meeting them for dinner at the Rio Grande at 1800. Karen and Hal had just returned from a Baltic cruise. They also spent 5 days driving in southern England. We enjoyed talking with them about their trip. After listening to Hal talk about driving in England I might be willing to try it.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday September 5, 2013

I left home about 0730 in very bright sunshine. The temperature was in the 60s. I like to wear shorts when I ride my bike but I don't know how much longer the weather will allow me this luxury. I did my swim this morning. Nancy was also in the pool with me. She swims 20 laps on Thursday and I do 30. After the swim I did my calisthenics. On Thursday the MAC is empty. Most folks follow a MWF routine. I had coffee this morning at Starbucks in Gaslight Village. I thought the place would be crowded now that EGR HS has started. The shop is within a block of the school. However, the place seems less crowded since school started. I can always get a comfortable chair. How about those car sales. The booming car industry is good for MI. Good article in the WSJ on the removal of vacant homes in Detroit. I say plant trees and in a couple of years the place will be loaded with deer and other wild creatures. Some times good things happen after a disaster. After the accident at Chernobyl the USSR created a very large no mans land around the abandoned plant. Within a couple of years bears, buffalo, elk and wolves moved into the no mans land. These animals had not been seen in this area in hundreds of years. Apparently the animals have shown no health problems. Time will tell. We are having our new super duper back room chairs delivered on Saturday. After lunch I drove to Design Quest and paid our bill. I am looking forward to the new chairs. The chairs rock, swivel, and recline. Nancy and I had dinner at GL Shipping this evening. It was warm enough to sit outside. We have to make use of our remaining warm weather. The things you can find on the internet. I knew in 1938 that GGF Sanborn had a Lincoln-Zephyr. I found the Zephyr was listed as "a marque for the lower priced line of luxury cars in the Lincoln line". So says Google.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday September 4, 2013

I just got a notice that today's Grand Rapids Building Authority meeting has been canceled. We have not had a meeting all summer. We have not had a new project in several years. I think the bad economy has made new projects difficult to justify. The weather has been so nice that I have not had time to work on the computer. Today is the first time in several days that I have turned on my computer. I have been doing this blog on my iPhone. This morning I had Breakfast Club. Several years ago the membership was above 100 members. We got a new register today and the membership is down to 45. Age is beginning to catch up with many members. At my table of 8 I am the only one below the age of 80. The retired dentist that sits next to me talked about his days as a Navy Corpsman during WWII. The Dr is now 87 years old. He is in good shape and sharp as a tack. My role model. The Speaker this morning did not show up so a member who restores antique cars talked about his business. It was one of the most interesting talks all year. Nancy had to work at the Gardens this afternoon. After BC I stopped at Starbucks in Gaslight to read my paper. Today I loaded up my road bike and headed to the Muskatawa Trail. The parking lot was crowded. Most of the riders are retired folks like me. It was a great day for a ride. I did 24 miles in under 2 hr. When I got home I took Ms P on a walk and then took a short nap. We will have a light dinner and then watch some TV. The leaves are turning.

Tuesday September 3, 2013

First day back to school for most public schools in the GR area. I left home about 0730 and the traffic on Breton Ave has almost doubled. I will have to us another route to the MAC. I did my usual swim and calisthenics this morning. My time in the 1,500 has stabilized at between 42' and 43'. I had my coffee at the Kava House. Syria still dominates the news. It sure looks like the politicians are going to vote for some action. Nobody listens to me. I spent most of the afternoon being a fuddy duddy. I worked on my road and hybrid bikes. I also pedaled over to GR Bike to buy a mountable bike pump. I think I spent over 3 hours playing with my two bikes. Nancy fixed hamburgers for dinner. She also had a nice salad. We watched some TV and read a paper copy of the GRP. The evenings lately have been cool. No need for the AC.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday September 2, 2012

Last night bought Nancy her birthday soft ice cream cone. This morning we declared a no labor "Labor Day". Drove to Saugatuck for breakfast. It was a cool but pleasant morning. Took afternoon nap. We had a light dinner and watched some TV. Summer is over, school starts tomorrow.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday September 1, 2013

September 1st already. The summer is gone. We got up at 0655 and headed to the MAC. Since it is a holiday weekend we only swam 1,000 yards instead of our normal 1,500. We did go to Meijer's. Most of our purchases were for the dog. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I watched some tennis before taking my nap. I purchased in July a small TV for the basement. I watched the Today show while I was rowing. Since I am not rowing or working out at home I decided to move the TV set upstairs and replace our kitchen TV. The new TV has a bigger screen. Big mistake, I keep getting a message saying I am receiving no signal. I tried to call Comcast but they are experiencing technical difficulties. Nancy is fixing a super duper salad for dinner. We will read the GRP before heading upstairs. Tomorrow we will take the day off and plan on having breakfast in Saugatuck. A cold front is suppose to roll through in a couple of hours. The highs tomorrow is suppose to be in the low 70s.

Saturday August 31, 2013

Saturday the last day of August and the start of the Labor Day Weekend. We did not get up until 0830. Nancy and I had breakfast at the Wealthy Street Bakery. We each had a scone and coffee. The bakery is located at the corner of Union and Wealthy. It was very crowded. The day was hot and humid. I decided to take a bike ride. I loaded up my road bike and headed to Millennium Park. Today I wore my new shoes with the pedal clips. I rode 21 miles in 1h40'. It is easier to hill climb with the shoe clips, especially on a single speed bike. I took Ms P on her mile walk. At 1630 we got in the Taurus and headed to the movie theater at Knapp's Corner. We saw the "Butler". It was a good movie. We had hot dogs for dinner and watched the US Open tennis and some football game on TV. Today was the season opener for UM. They won but I think it is too early for football.