Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday September 26, 2012

Just a quick note: Today the SS checks come in so I want all you working folks to keep working so the checks keep coming. I know that you working folks will not have SS when you reach 65 but we seniors don't care. I hate to say it but I think that is the prevailing attitude among seniors. Whatever happened to sharing! As the evening and morning progressed my cold became worse. I now have a 5 hankie cold. Today I will take it easy all day. At 0830 I got in the C2 and headed to Bill's. I had their oatmeal. The DFP continues writing about the trial of Detroit's ex mayor. I thought what the Feds are claiming the ex mayor and friends did was only in the movies. The WSJ is really hung up on the problems in Greece. If I lived in the Euro zone I would vote to expel Greece. After breakfast I headed to Meijer's. I bought some orange juice and apples. I need fruits and juice to fight the cold. I also filled up the C2. Gas was $3.99 per gallon. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. I took a hour nap. It is now 1500 and I think I will walk Ms P around the block. After a light dinner I read old issues of NG and watched some TV. We were all upstairs by 2200.

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