Sunday, September 23, 2012

Saturday September 22, 2012

Today is the first day of fall, the Autumnal Equinox. I checked for GR and today we have 12h08' of daylight. I figure this is close enough. Nancy no longer goes to the MAC on Saturday so we all slept in until 0814 this morning. It rained last night and the temperature was in the high 40s this morning. I got out my winter bike helmet. I got to Bill's kind of late this morning and had trouble finding a table. I tried their corn beef hash with eggs this morning. It was good. Not much in the WSJ. It was bright sunshine when I rode to Bill's but when I left it looked like rain. I took a detour on my pedal home today and rode around Reeds Lake. Nancy was busy this morning cleaning closets. She found several nice fountain pens that have never been used, complete with ink cartridges. I will start using them. She also found a 1966 rent payment for 875 Woodside Road in Redwood City, CA. We paid $165 per month for a 2 bedroom furnished apartment. Nancy also had prepared two packages for the grandkids. I walked over to the post office and mailed them. I spent a good part of the afternoon putting away all the outdoor furniture. I also took off all the downstairs screens and stored them in the basement. I topped off the afternoon with a 1.12 mile walk. I know the exact distance because I wore my GPS. We had dinner at Panera Bread. Nancy had the chicken noodle soup and I had a soup and tuna fish sandwich. Nothing like a good tuna fish. We all took a one mile evening walk. Nancy purchased tickets to SF and I watched the first half of the UM/Notre Dame football game. It was pretty grim. I was upstairs by 2230.

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